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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).

From home.blog

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1 1

Church hypocrisy always gets your attention. That’s why the Centurion jumped out to the weekly lead. I really didn’t expect this for two weeks in a row. Many of you have made contributi…

on May 18

From home.blog


1 1

Los personajes necesitan un trasfondo para relacionarse con otros personajes en el mundo, la forma en que sea el mundo en que les has lanzado es importante, pues determinará cómo de disruptivo es y…

#junio #escribir #escitores #escritura #escritoras #personajes #loscuadernosderep

16h ago

From home.blog

Joseph Conrad: Nostromo

1 1

Joseph Conrad (1857-1924) war lange Jahre Kapitän und begann erst spät zu schreiben. Dass seine Zeit auf See seine Wahrnehmung geprägt hat, zeigt sich auch in seinem Schreiben. Besonders beeindruck…

3h ago

From home.blog

What Democracy Are You Asking Me To Save?

1 1

“Vote for Biden, or our democracy goes!” insists the liberal at the moment. I do not deny that Donald Trump, as he is a neo-fascist, would annihilate even the semblance of democracy in …

17h ago

(Showing 5 out of 5.)