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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).

From priya.health

Understanding Stroke in Older Adults: Early Signs, Prevention, and Recovery

1 1

The sun was just beginning to rise, casting a gentle glow over the lake at the neighborhood park. Birds chirped in the trees, and the air was crisp with morning

7h ago

From priya.health

Understanding Tinnitus: Coping with the Ringing in Your Ears

1 1

The shopping mall was alive with energy. Holiday decorations twinkled above, the scent of cinnamon and coffee wafted through the air, and the sound of children

#tinnitus #hearingaids #hearingloss #EarDisorders #ringinginears #stressmanagement #copingwithtinnitus #relaxationtechniques #backgroundnoisetherapy

7h ago

From priya.health

Managing Leg Ulcers in Older Adults: Steps Toward Healing

1 1

It was a warm Sunday morning, and the community park was alive with the sounds of children playing and birds chirping. I was walking along the gravel path when

#diabetes #selfcare #leghealth #legulcers #woundcare #olderadults #poorcirculation #compressiontherapy #peripheralvasculardisease

8h ago

From priya.health

Understanding Osteoporosis in Older Adults: Protecting Your Bones

1 1

It was an energetic calm afternoon, and the local community center was buzzing with activity. A group of seniors gathered for their weekly book club, chatting a

7h ago

From priya.health

Retirement Planning: Building a Fulfilling Life After Work

1 1

The sun was setting over the neighborhood park, casting a warm orange glow over the benches and walking paths. Children laughed as they played on the swings, an

7h ago

From priya.health

Preventing Falls in Older Adults: Staying Safe and Independent

1 1

It was a crisp autumn afternoon, and the golden leaves crunched underfoot as I walked to my clinic. Inside, the waiting room bustled with familiar faces. I gree

#aging #homesafety #safetytips #elderlycare #olderadults #physiotherapy #fallprevention #balanceexercises #occupationaltherapy

17h ago

(Showing 7 out of 7.)