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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).

From thecooldown.com

Researchers generate heat exceeding 1,800 degrees using incredible solar thermal trapping method: 'This is crucial'

2 2

Scientists in Switzerland are developing a method of using solar heat to transform the smelting industry.

#glass #steel #cement #ceramics #emissions #solarpower #fossilfuels

3h ago

From thecooldown.com

Researchers achieve mind-blowing breakthrough with new heat-to-energy converter — and it could change electricity

2 2

Researchers at the University of Michigan have recently developed a cost-effective and highly efficient thermophotovoltaic cell.

#energy #batteries #innovation #renewables

10h ago

From thecooldown.com

Homeowner shares their foolproof hack for a mosquito-free yard: 'I have not gotten a single mosquito bite'

1 1

Mosquito Dunks are a simple and nontoxic way to keep mosquitoes away from your backyard all summer long.

on Fri, 8PM

From thecooldown.com

Gardener shares unexpected benefits of growing 'asparagus forests' in your garden: 'Just set, forget, and enjoy'

1 1

If you're thinking about growing vegetables in your garden, consider planting some asparagus.

22h ago

From thecooldown.com

Hiker comes across frustrating scene at top of mountain peak on popular trail: 'That's awful'

1 2

One Redditor shared their frustration with litter on a hike up Humphreys Peak, the tallest mountain in Arizona.

#litter #trailhike

on Thu, 2AM

From thecooldown.com

Man arrested for allegedly driving pickup truck in ocean: 'It's not my fault the truck don't surf'

1 1

Jason Brzuszkiewicz was arrested after driving his truck into the ocean in Volusia County, Florida.

23h ago

From thecooldown.com

Bystander makes sad discovery caught inside plastic bag found floating in local pond: 'Thank goodness you were there'

1 1

An Instagrammer revealed the horrors of plastic pollution after capturing a video of a suffocating fish trapped in a plastic bag.

19h ago

From thecooldown.com

Shopper sparks envy after sharing designer bundle with shocking price tag found at thrift store: 'I am jealous'

1 1

One Redditor shared an impressive thrift store haul that had fellow thrifters applauding.

6h ago

From thecooldown.com

Mom shares easy hack to rid your yard of pesky mosquitoes: 'You don't have to sacrifice health for convenience'

1 1

There's a natural way to keep mosquitoes away from your next bonfire.

9h ago

From thecooldown.com

Conservationists alarmed by plan to build prison on island reserve: 'This project means quite strong environmental damage'

1 1

The Honduran government plans to build a maximum-security prison on the Swan Islands, and conservationists are concerned.

14h ago

From thecooldown.com

Gardener shares concerns after being gifted seed packets from big box store: 'I really wish seed producers wouldn't market that stuff'

1 1

One gardener was hesitant to plant a mix of native plant seeds because of the potential harm to his or her garden.

17h ago

From thecooldown.com

Homeowner sparks debate after sharing photos of common landscaping blunder: 'Probably the most annoying stuff to deal with'

1 1

Rubber mulch is one way to beautify your lawn, but Redditors were quick to point out that it can be harmful to the soil.

11h ago

From thecooldown.com

Homeowner thrilled to find unexpected visitor after ditching lawnmower: 'She's so cute'

1 1

One Redditor's shared post was about a woodchuck taking up residence in a yard left unmowed.

17h ago

From thecooldown.com

Diver makes upsetting discovery inside giant plastic piece found floating in the ocean: 'This makes me so sad'

1 1

An ocean conservationist shared how they passed a valuable lesson to others while freeing a fish trapped in plastic.

18h ago

From thecooldown.com

Trash picker questions increased disposable vapes found littered around neighborhood: 'It's really upsetting'

1 1

One group of litter pickers shared how common it is to discover littered disposable vape cartridges.

18h ago

From thecooldown.com

EPA issues first-ever denial of state plan that would have risked serious health issues for countless Americans: 'Today marks a significant victory'

1 1

The EPA has denied Alabama Power's plans on how to store coal ash in the state, which is a win for Alabamians and their clean water.

12h ago

From thecooldown.com

Government officials push forward in high-speed rail project linking major U.S. cities: '[It] would create jobs and support the economy'

1 1

Arlington Mayor Jim Ross is not discouraged by delays from the Dallas City Council regarding the construction of a 30-mile rail line between Dallas and Fort Worth.

17h ago

From thecooldown.com

Company unveils tiny, pedal-powered semitruck — and its electric features could revolutionize sustainable transportation

1 1

The ePack is a pedal-powered semitruck, designed with an electric assist system and capable of carrying over 750 pounds of cargo.

6h ago

From thecooldown.com

DIYer shares 'clever' idea to repurpose your empty jars: 'So simple but so useful'

1 1

One savvy Instagrammer figured out how to repurpose old coffee jars to create an eco-friendly and reusable matchbox.

on Fri, 8PM

From thecooldown.com

Driver sparks outrage with photo of car blocking EV parking spots at workplace: 'I don't understand people's aggression towards electric cars'

1 1

One Redditor shared photos of an entitled SUV parked across three spaces reserved for electric vehicles.

11h ago

(Showing 20 out of 38.)