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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).
Correlated tags: #scotus #immunity


From tagesschau.de

Urteil zur Immunität: "Supreme Court hat Trump freie Hand gegeben"

2 2

Zwei Tage nach dem Urteil des Obersten US-Gerichts zur Immunität von Ex-Präsident Trump meinen Beobachter: Die Entscheidung wird die amerikanische Demokratie verändern. Von einem Dammbruch spricht US-Experte Finzsch - und sieht politische Motive.

#us #USA #Trump #interview #usprasident #SupremeCourt

16h ago


From youtube.com

Alan Shore vs Supreme Court (Boston Legal) Part 1/3

1 1

From Boston Legal - 417 - The Court Supreme

#bostonlegal #SupremeCourt

15h ago


From youtube.com

The Series Finale of America | Native Land Pod

1 1

The Series Finale of America | Native Land PodIt’s been an eventful week, y’all! IMMUNE. That’s what the Supreme Court said is the case for any “official” ac...

#nlpfam #scotus #Politics #angelarye #SupremeCourt #andrewgillum #blackthreads #blacktwitter #tiffanycross #blackmastodon

2h ago


From youtube.com

‘He’s staying in this race’: Biden advisor slams calls for him to drop out

1 1

Biden-Harris campaign senior spokesperson and advisor, Adrienne Elrod, joins Morning Joe amid growing calls for the president to bow out of the race or at le...

#Biden #scotus #Democracy #President #SupremeCourt

17h ago


From youtube.com

Sheldon Whitehouse DRAGS SCOTUS Over The Coals For 30+ Minutes

1 1

Sheldon Whitehouse breaks down why the Supreme Court needs an ethics code.For more from TYT Investigates, SUBSCRIBE at: https://www.YouTube.com/TYTInvestigat...

#tyt #ethics #leonardleo #whitehouse #SupremeCourt

14h ago


From youtube.com

Let's talk about King Biden embracing his villain arc....

5 5

Support via Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/beautfcThe Roads with Beau: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_x7nc3Vi4BPgmNnMsz774ACheck out the store. Sticker...

#USA #News #Vote #Biden #Trump #Politics #VoteBlue #Democracy #democrats #swingstates

19h ago


From lawdork.com

The spinelessness of John Roberts

6 6

Chief Justice John Roberts doesn't want to lead. He is, though, carefully setting up a path to allow the right-wing court to respond to whatever comes its way in 2025.

#Trump #johnroberts #SupremeCourt #settlercolonialscotusisantilaborandcorrupt #genocidejoewasfinewiththeloserofthepopularvoteappointingthreejustices

10h ago



From substack.com

😑"We Have a Situation" Edition

2 2

“In the wake of President Biden's recent disturbing debate performance the Democratic Party is wondering out loud if it can stomach four more years. Not so Dr. Jill. She leads Joe off stages, down steps and she says he's great. No doubt we can count on her to stand by her man when it really counts.”-CB

#Biden #Trump #chipbok #democratic #marcocerino #SupremeCourt #jeffdanziger #philadelphiatribune #counterpoint

20h ago


From talkingpointsmemo.com

The Supreme Court Term That Fundamentally Changed America

7 7

As the dust settles from Trump v. United States, those paying attention look out over the wreckage, contemplating an unbounded future President Trump, a system of checks and balances toppled, a super-executive free to commit crimes with impunity.

#Trump #Democracy #corruption #SupremeCourt #constitution #authoritarianism

19h ago


From stopthepresses.news

The New York Times should take aim at the real problem: Trump

4 4

Whether Biden stays or goes, we face the threat of a SCOTUS-backed dictator

#Biden #Trump #dictator #trumpnesia #SupremeCourt #newyorktimes #badjournalism

6h ago


From substack.com

For this Supreme Court, incoherence is the point

1 1

Here we go with yet another of this Supreme Court’s nonsensical, nearly impenetrable and ignorant decisions. By now, reams have been written about this week’s ruling in Trump vs. United States, finding that he and all presidents are immune from prosecution after leaving office for any “official...

#Trump #crime #SupremeCourt #constitution

9h ago

Showing first 20 out of 36