Tradies carry 85yo woman out of her house after it collapses in Brisbane
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It's believed the heritage-listed home came off its stumps due to the saturated grounds on Thursday morning, prompting emergency services to be called to the scene.
#sarahrichards #accidentsandemergencyincidents
11h ago
Teen surfer with 'a big heart' praised for brave double rescue
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Sam Taylor was trying to reach a swimmer struggling in a rip when he found himself in similar trouble on a New South Wales beach, but a nearby 14-year-old came to his aid.
#safety #surfing #emmarennie #bridietanner #humaninterest #oceansandreefs #accidentsandemergencyincidents
13h ago
Clean-up crew finds toxic canister washed up on Victorian beach
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The canister, which likely fell from a passing ship, was suspected to contain a chemical commonly used in pesticides and fumigants.
#Health #safety #poisoning #pollution #airpollution #landpollution #oliviasanders #waterpollution #chemicalcontrol #environmentalhealth
22h ago