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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From hackaday.com

The Last Acorn BBC Computer Wasn’t A BBC Micro

4 4

For home computer users, the end of the 1980s was the era of 16-bit computers. The challenge facing manufacturers of 8-bit machines through the middle of the decade was to transfer their range and …

#hacking #projects #arm #acorn #archimedes #retrocomputing #acornarchimedes

17h ago


From flyingmeat.com

Acorn 7 | Full Featured Photo Editor for the Mac

4 10

Acorn is an awesome image editor for the Mac. Use Acorn to edit photos, add filters, retouch pictures, paint, crop, add text, create new images, and much more!

#svg #Apple #acorn #affinity #pixelmator #macos

on Nov 4, 2023

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