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65 327 daily Toot LinkedIn
A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From wordpress.com

Let’s melt away!

2 2

„You can‘t live everyday as if there‘s a knife on your throat“, my witch giggles shaking her head and handing me a glass of lemonade just as heavy rain joined the thunder outside. I can‘t? Sometime…

#poem #witch #poetry #writing #amwriting

on Jun 3


From substack.com

James Garside on Substack

1 1

Are you a travel photographer if whenever you travel you take photos with your phone? Here's one of mine.

#writing #substack #amwriting #chapter23

18h ago


From substack.com

James Garside on Substack

1 1

Is it too easy to be negative these days? No... Wait. Goddamnit.

#writing #substack #amwriting #chapter23

17h ago


From substack.com

James Garside on Substack

1 1

You should totally follow me on Twitter. I'm not on X. I'm on Twitter. *rocks back and forth in the corner*

#writing #substack #amwriting #chapter23

10h ago


From substack.com

James Garside on Substack

1 1

My secret sources of writing ideas: 1. Nightmares and Dreams 2. Things that piss me off 3. Stuff me or my friends say that is especially funny or stupid 4. Random thoughts whilst drinking tea, in the bath or shower, or whilst out walking 5. The voices in my head who tell me what to...

#writing #substack #amwriting #chapter23

15h ago


From substack.com

James Garside on Substack

1 1

Here's a wide selection of some of my best work on Medium. I hope that you have as much fun reading it as I had writing it. https://medium.com/@jamesgarside_/list/reading-list

#writing #substack #amwriting #chapter23

8h ago


From substack.com

James Garside on Substack

1 1

I need so many basic things that cost way too much money, like food and clothes, that I'm contemplating writing product reviews. Am I a sellout? You know that if you give me money I’m only going to spend it on tea. What about integrity? Give me free stuff!

#writing #substack #amwriting #chapter23

1h ago


From amazon.com

The Gunnleifsson Manuscript (Working Title) | Kindle Vella

1 2

A woman discovers a 400 year old manuscript written in a language she's never seen before, and with the help of her uncle they translate it to discover a story that seems nearly impossible to be real. What really happened to Atlantis?

#fiction #amwriting #offtherails

on Mar 1


From wordpress.com

Check the Weather Vane

1 1

Sure these headwinds are stiffand our tasks strainingagainst maximum resistancebut based on past experiencewe know this is a temporary impediment.. The persistent forceswe are struggling againstwhi…

#poems #poetry #amwriting #micropoetry

1h ago


From i-love-space.com

IWSG: The Ultimate Writing Machine

1 1

As you know, I love space, and I love science.  Based on those two statements, you might expect that I’d also love technology, or that I’d at least feel somewhat comfortable using technology.  But …

#iwsg #writing #amwriting #writerslife #writingcommunity

22h ago


From netapinotes.com

"Going from Web Page to Web Platform is a big deal."

1 2

ProgrammableWeb and the Maturation of API Discovery (2005-2023) - ¡APIcryphal! 09

#chatgpt #amwriting #writinglife

on Tue, 11PM


From google.com

Circular Reasoning Final

1 1

Circular Reasoning By Kyle Montanio “Congratulations David!” The ominous message read, “we are happy to inform you that your 2033 Model Ai-33 is eligible for a free upgrade…” Glorious. Super. Praise be. Dave was “entitled to the brand new Model Ai-40 at no cost”–complete with the trouble of g...

#scifi #fantasy #writing #amwriting #economics #writingcommunity

18h ago

Showing first 19 out of 19