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29 219 daily Toot LinkedIn
A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From wordpress.com

Stinker of the Day

2 2

The Selfish Manlacking in social consciousnessor a whiff of human decencyreleases a fartsilent but deadlyin a crowded elevator(or lift if you’re a Brit)then departsthe scene of the hate crime…

#poem #poetry #amwriting

15h ago


From blogspot.com

Man It Down

1 1

  Holster those hormones!! Too much time spent in the masculine tense can lead to conflict as we boys constantly engage in pointless pissing...

#poem #poetry #amwriting

1h ago


From wordpress.com

Myth Busters

1 1

Tonight we haunt the ghostswho reside in the wallsacting so smugand above it all Petulant spiritswe can put on ignorecause these wailing loserscan’t scare us anymore Their pain infliction cap…

#poem #poetry #amwriting

19h ago


From fastly.net

Show Up For Our Libraries - Tell Your Story

1 1

Please share a story about how libraries have a positive impact in YOUR community. This might be a story about you or your family, or about other library users who have benefitted from the library&...

#books #authors #amreading #amwriting #libraries

15h ago


From wordpress.com

Heavenly Bait

1 1

Bless me Father for I have have sinned Many times Weekly Daily Right now actually Carnal transgressions I have committed Constantly Repeatedly Cause your feminine creation is just too sublime Those…

#poem #poetry #amwriting

2h ago


From blogspot.com

Glory Be to Cardio

1 1

  80 heart beats per minute.. That's 4,800 thumps per hour.. And the number keeps multiplying as days turn to years one truth is perfectly c...

#poem #poetry #amwriting

19h ago

Showing first 7 out of 9