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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From fitnessmith.fr

Sortir de l'obsession de la balance (régime et musculation)

1 1

La balance peut être un outil de suivi efficace, mais elle devient souvent une source d'obsession et de frustration. Que ce soit en musculation ou lors

#balance #fitness #pertepoids #poidssante #musculation #santementale #prisedemuscle #retentiondeau #anxietepesoids

5h ago


From google.com

Buddhism For Dummies

1 1

Your hands-on guide to this widely practiced and ancient religion Buddhism, one of the world's most widely practiced religions, is a fascinating yet complex eastern religion that is rapidly spreading throughout western civilization. What does it mean to be a Buddhist? What are the fundamental...

#zen #energy #balance #dummies #buddhism #universe #meditation #consciousness

20h ago

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