NSW government denies documents were blocked on childcare incidents
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Education Minister Prue Car has rejected suggestions the government is blocking the release of internal documents detailing serious incidents in NSW childcare centres.
#nickdole #childcare #childabuse #catherinehanrahan #stateandterritorygovernment
6h ago
Prime minister rules out royal commission into childcare sector
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The call came in the wake of a Four Corners investigation that exposed a flawed, inconsistent regulatory system and an increasingly profit-driven industry that has resulted in some centres cutting corners, hiring unqualified staff and eroding the overall quality of care.
#daniellecronin #family #childcare #governmentandpolitics
5h ago
ACT childcare centres record second highest rate of 'serious incidents'
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A former childcare provider with over 30 years experience in the sector says the ACT's childcare regulator lacks teeth, with a recent report showing the territory has the second highest rate of serious incidents in the sector.
11h ago
Australia's childcare rating system labelled 'a joke' as failing centres stay open for years
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With centres reassessed on average every four years, and some gaming the system, parents cannot be sure their child's centre meets the standards or that staff are properly trained or qualified.
#childcare #chrisgillett #adeleferguson #larasonnenschein
14h ago
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The more than $1 billion in federal funding helped schools, child-care programs, and food pantries in 40 states to buy produce and other items from local farmers.
#maine #uspol #hunger #tribal #baddoge #locally #schools #probirth #childcare #newengland
12h ago