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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).
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From wacoca.com

アングル:韓国大統領と人気右派ユーチューバー、「シンクロ」は偶然か | ロイター

1 1


#KR #kp #us #Civ #FES #biz #clj #dip #gen #jln

11h ago


From wacoca.com

北朝鮮とロシアの軍事関係強化を非難、欧米日など | ロイター

1 1


#KR #au #ca #de #eu #fr #gb #it #jp #kp

3h ago


From dev.to

Clojure Is Awesome!!! [PART 3]

1 1

(ns builder) (defn create-report "Creates an initial structure for the report." [] {:title ...

#clj #cljs #clojure

20h ago


From substack.com

Lisp as an OO language

1 1

Deep into Alan Kay's cryptic definition of OOP

#clj #cljs #clojure

17h ago


From juxt.pro

JUXT Blog: Flattening Legacy C++ APIs for Rust Integration

1 1

Recipe for using an existing C++ API in Rust

#clj #cljs #clojure

17h ago


From flexiana.com

How Our Favorite Programming Languages Would Celebrate Christmas - Flexiana

1 1

Christmas is almost here! Have you thought about how programming languages, with their unique quirks and personalities, might celebrate the holiday season? We’ve imagined a Christmas party hosted by some of the most popular languages. Spoiler alert: it’s as chaotic, organized, and quirky as you’d expect!

#clj #cljs #clojure

17h ago

Showing first 12 out of 12