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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From infoworld.com

Understanding DiskANN, a foundation of the Copilot Runtime

3 3

Microsoft is adding a fast vector search index to Windows. It’s tailor-made for fast, local small language models like Phi Silica.

#AI #CTO #iiot #press #windows #datascience #drivenbydata #generativeAI #cloudcomputing #machinelearning

7h ago


From infoworld.com

AWS’ new approach to RAG evaluation could help enterprises reduce AI spending

2 4

AWS researchers have developed a new method for designing an automated RAG evaluation mechanism that could help enterprises build apps faster and reduce costs.

#iiot #saas #datadriven #deeplearning #drivenbydata #generativeAI #dataanalytics #cloudcomputing #machinelearning #AmazonWebServices

on Wed, 2PM

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