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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From globalnews.ca

B.C. court voids ‘cult’ marriage, finding young woman didn’t ‘truly consent’ to it | Globalnews.ca

2 2

The ruling found the marriage voidable, saying the man 'pursued, harassed, and perhaps even stalked' the teenager who was under duress when the wedding occurred in Abbotsford, B.C.

#bc #law #cult #crime #marriage #abbotsford

5h ago


From substack.com

Fox News Orphans, MAGA Refugees, and the Relational Casualties of This President

1 1

I'd just finished a speaking event with some progressive writers and activists and we were meeting with people who'd stayed after to say hello, have a book signed, or share some thoughts about the evening.

#gqp #cult #evil #hope #lies #media #truth #cognitive #trumpvirus

on Sat, 1AM


From wildhunt.org

Coven or cult? How to tell if your group has crossed the line into dangerous territory - Living, Paganism, Perspectives, Witchcraft

1 2

Witchcraft & Pagan News - Almost immediately the charges of “Oathbreaker” began to surface, for I had dared to speak out against a beloved elder. Now I was fair game for attack, verbally and magically. This was the beginning of what would later morph into targeted harassment. In the midst of...

#cult #coven

on Fri, 10PM

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