World's darkest and clearest skies at risk from industrial megaproject
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On December 24th, AES Andes, a subsidiary of the US power company AES Corporation, submitted a project for a massive industrial complex for environmental impact assessment. This complex threatens the pristine skies above ESO’s Paranal Observatory in Chile’s Atacama Desert, the darkest and...
#eso #chile #Paranal #science #Astrodon #darkskies #pollution #Environment #megaproject #observatories
13h ago
Re-thinking Property and Pollution: Conserving the Night Sky as Natural Commons
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Chile’s 1980 Constitution stands out globally for instituting strong private property rights over many things—including water, mineral concessions, education, and health services—with the result that access to basic human needs is at the mercy of...
#chile #commons #darkskies #indigenous #lightpollution
3h ago