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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From somosdisca.es

Día mundial de las Personas con Discapacidad 2024 - Somosdisc@

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Cada 3 de diciembre se celebra el Día mundial de las Personas con Discapacidad con el objetivo de promover sus derechos y bienestar.

#Titan #salud #cuidados #derechos #paciente #sintomas #titanico #titanicos #disability #enfermedad

12h ago


From huffpost.com

Biden Ends Controversial Program From 1938 — But Trump Will Have The Final Say

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The new rule would end a controversial program in place since 1938, but the incoming Trump administration would have the final say.

#Biden #USpol #labor #EqualPay #disabilities

14h ago


From prgloo.com

Powerful posters designed by London children encourage TfL customers to give up their seat for those who need it more

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PN-145 Winners of children’s art competition announced, with thought-provoking posters now on the TfL network, encouraging people to give up their seats for those who need them more The competition is part of wider TfL efforts to make the transport network fairer and more inclusive, and...

#tfl #london #transport #disabilities

21h ago

Showing first 8 out of 8