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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).
Correlated tags: #bigotry #emptythepews #hate #transphobia #extremism #republicanparty #thepartyofhate #violence #homophobia


From paris-luttes.info

6 juillet 2024, 8e marche : ADAMA, le combat continu

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Départ de la marche à 14H30, gare de Person Beaumont (rue de la gare, 95340 Beaumont sur Oise), puis après midi avec jeux, barbecue, prises de paroles, concerts.

#adamatraore #manifestation #discrimination #meurtresdelapolice #violencespolicieres

23h ago


From nytimes.com

How Tom Hanks’s Son Spawned a Hateful Meme Online

1 3

When Chet Hanks first used the phrase “white boy summer,” it seemed to be done ironically. Now it has been appropriated around the world by white supremacists and other hate groups.

#anti #right #whites #hankschet #menandboys #SocialMedia #discrimination #raceandethnicity #homosexualityandbisexuality #globalprojectagainsthateandextremism

on Tue, 9PM

Showing first 4 out of 4