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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From abc.net.au

Two million sailors died of scurvy until the discovery of a simple cure

3 3

The discovery that scurvy, a debilitating illness caused by vitamin C deficiency, could be treated with citrus fruit transformed 19th century naval exploration around the world. 

#history #fruitcrops #citrusfruit #nicolaheath #fruitgrowing #horticulture #foodandcooking #citrusaustralia #blueprintforliving

9h ago


From abc.net.au

Calls continue to change organic labelling rules in Australia

3 3

Organic certification is not legally required for a product to be described as organic, but a business making organic claims must be able to prove them. Some producers say a national standard would give consumers full transparency.

#Food #laws #farming #agriculture #foodandcooking #organicproduce #jessicaschremmer #localfoodsystems #federalgovernment #organicfertilisers

10h ago

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