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28 159 daily Toot LinkedIn
A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).
Correlated tags: #ゲーム最新情報


From thesixthaxis.com

Atomfall Review in Progress | TheSixthAxis

1 1

Rebellion's uniquely British nuclear disaster, Atomfall is a game full of mystery and distinctive gameplay quirks.

#gaming #gamenews #videogames

1h ago


From thesixthaxis.com

33 Immortals – Is 33 players the magic number for hack and slash multiplayer? | TheSixthAxis

1 1

The latest game from Spiritfarer developer Thunder Lotus throws 33 players into raid-like battles to escape Hell. 33 Immortals is out now in early access.

#gaming #gamenews #videogames

on Thu, 4PM


From ceotech.it

Nintendo Switch 2: schermo LCD a 120Hz con VRR e HDR

1 1

Nintendo Switch 2: schermo LCD a 120Hz con VRR e HDR? Un leaker lo suggerisce. Presentazione ufficiale il 2 aprile al Nintendo Direct. Leggi di più.Mentre

#hdr #vrr #leak #120hz #gaming #rumors #console #notizie #switch2 #gamenews

21h ago

Showing first 20 out of 28