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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From soyarmenio.com

Azerbaiyán e Israel refuerzan su cooperación energética con nuevo Acuerdo - SoyArmenio

2 2

Azerbaiyán e Israel firman un acuerdo de cooperación energética que incluye exploración de gas natural en las aguas territoriales israelíes

#gas #socar #israel #azerbaiyan #gasnatural #acuerdosdeabraham #exploraciongeologica #cooperacionenergetica

22h ago


From n-tv.de

CDU-Politiker sprechen von Rückkehr zu russischem Gas

4 4

Russland war einst Deutschlands wichtigster Energielieferant. Der Ukraine-Krieg setzt dem ein Ende. In der CDU gibt es bereits Gedankenspiele über eine Rückkehr.

#ukraine #russland #klimaschutz #energiewende #standwithukraine #energiesouveranitat #cdu #gas

14h ago


From altreconomia.it

La farina festeggia la sua Giornata mondiale, resistendo a pesticidi e sementi ibride

1 1

Il 20 marzo è la Giornata mondiale del prodotto fondamentale all’interno dell’alimentazione umana grazie alla sua estrema versatilità. La "rivoluzione verde" ne ha incrinato gusto, sapore e sostanze nutritive nobili. L'agricoltura biologica ne è l'alleata. L'intervento di Maurizio Gritta, tra i...

#bio #gas #iris #pane #grano #farina #gritta #terreno #astrabio #opinioni

15h ago


From enerdata.net

Israel’s gas exports to Egypt and Jordan increased by over 13% in 2024

1 1

According to the Israeli Ministry of Energy and Mining, Israel’s natural gas exports to Egypt and Jordan increased by 13.4% in 2024, reaching 13.11 bcm (compared to 11.56 bcm in 2023). According to the ministry, Israel produced 27.38 bcm from its Leviathan, Karish and Tamar fields in 2024, an...

#gas #israel #energysky

22h ago


From grafa.com

Winchester Energy and Jaguar Exploration apply for offshore Peru oil exploration

1 1

Winchester Energy <a href='https://grafa.com/asset/winchester-energy-ltd-4992-wel.asx'>(ASX:WEL)</a> has entered into a non-binding term sheet with US-based

#asx #gas #ltd #tech #drilling

20h ago


From grafa.com

Winchester Energy und Jaguar Exploration beantragen die Offshore-Ölerkundung in Peru.

1 1

Winchester Energy <a href='https://grafa.com/asset/winchester-energy-ltd-4992-wel.asx'>(ASX:WEL)</a> hat eine unverbindliche Term Sheet mit der in den USA an

#asx #gas #ltd #tech #drilling

20h ago

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