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From wdr.de

Kaputter Kohleofen: Zehn Verletzte nach Kohlenmonoxid-Austritt in Bottrop

2 2

In Bottrop hat ein defekter Kohleofen für einen großen Feuerwehr-Einsatz mit zehn Verletzten gesorgt. Sie hatten Glück im Unglück.

#gas #nrw #Gefahr #feuerwehr #kohleofen #ruhrgebiet #krankenhaus #regiobeitrag #rettungsdienst #wdrstudioessen

21h ago

From newarab.com

'Death without blood': The legacy of Assad's chemical attacks

1 1

In-depth: Chemical attacks in Ghouta and Douma killed hundreds of people during Syria's war. After Assad's fall, survivors can tell their stories without fear.

#gas #assad #sarin #siria

13h ago

From japantimes.co.jp

Japan's draft climate strategy spurs calls for bolder cuts in carbon emissions

1 1

The government last month presented a draft plan to aim for a 60% cut in greenhouse gas emissions by 2035 from 2013 levels.

#gas #coal #energy #komeito #emissions #renewables #Environment #climatechange

17h ago

From wordpress.com

Dec-17: Liander kijgt 54%

1 1

Ik blog wel eens vaker over m’n energiecontract. Kan het ook deze keer niet laten om er weer eens op een andere manier naar te kijken. M’n verbruik (vooral elektrisch) is redelijk laag.…

#gas #blog #energie #liander #vastrecht #bellasting #elektriciteit

22h ago

From globaljustice.org.uk

Tell the UK: No new oil and gas

1 3

The UK government has paused making decisions on new oil and gas in the North Sea while it examines how to regulate new drilling. And it’s asking the public for our views.

#gas #oil #climate #NorthSea #climatechange

on Tue, 6PM

From ft.com

UK to compensate developers if £8bn gas plant project is blocked by court

1 2

Agreement for power station and carbon capture scheme highlights how legal action is key factor for energy groups


on Mon, 3PM

From politico.eu

Exiled Libyan central bank chief sees safe route home after attempted coup

1 2

Sadiq Al-Kabir says the attempted takeover by hostile government forces has backfired.

#gas #oil #war #banks #courts #markets #security #centralBanks #centralbanker #energyandclimate

on Sep 5