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222 636 daily Toot LinkedIn
A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).
Correlated tags: #ukpolitics #ukpol


From theguardian.com

Britain will not rejoin EU in my lifetime, says Starmer

36 36

Labour leader also says he cannot foresee circumstances where UK would re-enter single market or customs union

#uk #snp #ge24 #press #Rejoin #Election #Politics #RejoinEU #toryplanb #UutisBotEN

14h ago


From stopthetories.vote


15 39

Vote tactically in House of Commons to Stop The Tories. Find out how you can vote tactically to Stop The Tories, and influence the next government.

#uk #Vote #atac #gtto #frood #hoopy #ukpol #Politics #countbinface #LiberalDemocrats

on Wed, 6AM


From getvoting.org

How do I vote tactically?

3 3

2 in 3 people can’t name the party likely to come in second in their area – which means they could make it worse if they try to vote tactically.

#uk #gtto #ukpol #ukpolitics #generalelection #ge2024

20h ago


From youtube.com

2024 Election Specials. 4. The Conservatives

25 58

Pie's last rant about the Tories before the election.

#eu #bbc #nhs #tax #News #vtto #Sunak #brexit #comedy #farage

5h ago


From bbc.com

The Sun backs Labour Party saying it's 'time for change'

6 6

The newspaper says the Tories have become "a divided rabble" and need "a period in opposition to unite".

#uk #bbc #JFT97 #media #ukpol #labour #thesun #Murdoch #gennylec #newspaper

12h ago


From www.gov.uk

How to vote

2 3

An overview of voting in the UK, including voting in person, postal and proxy voting, and voting if you're abroad.

#gtto #ukpol #voting #generalelection #getthetoriesout #ge2024

on May 22


From theguardian.com

Rishi Sunak fearful of losing his seat, sources say

21 21

PM would become first sitting British leader to be voted out of his constituency if his fears are realised

#Vote #press #ukpol #Politics #toriesout #countbinface #richmondandnorthallerton #ge24 #gtto #COVID

16h ago


From electoral-reform.org.uk

Voters will be turned away at the general election for lacking the right ID

2 3

Thursday 4th July 2024 will be historic General Election for all the wrong reasons. For the first time, voters in Scotland and some parts of England will be turned away from polling stat

#ukpol #voterid #generalelectionuk #ge2024

on Mon, 5PM


From theguardian.com

Tactical voting can see off the Tories – that’s the message behind my paddleboarding and bungee jumping | Ed Davey

5 5

My stunts have been great fun, but the stakes couldn’t be higher in this election. A handful of votes could make all the difference, says Lib Dem leader Ed Davey

#gtto #press #LibDems #bluewall #UutisBotEN #ukpolitics #theguardian #TacticalVoting #generalelection2024 #ge2024

12h ago


From portillogeddon.com


1 1

Conservative Wipeout Bingo 2024

#ge2024 #ukpolitics #torydeathparty

15h ago


From catodon.social

Catodon Social

1 3

🌎 Home of Catodon, a new platform for fedi communities, initially based on Firefish/Misskey. Be aware that our first release is not out yet, so things are still experimental.

#uk #ge2024

on Feb 8


From ko-fi.com

Support Craig Dalzell on Ko-fi! ❤️. ko-fi.com/craigdalzell

1 2

Support Craig Dalzell On Ko-fi. Ko-fi lets you support the people and causes you love with small donations

#ge2024 #Politics #scotland #ukpolitics #generalelection #scottishpolitics

on Jun 26


From voteforpolicies.org.uk

2024 General Election survey - Vote for Policies

1 6

Not sure who to vote for? Compare promises without seeing which party they belong to. Vote with confidence in the 2024 General Election.

#ukpol #ge2024 #Election

on Fri, 10AM


From catodon.social

Catodon Social

1 3

🌎 Home of Catodon, a new platform for fedi communities, initially based on Iceshrimp/Firefish/Misskey. Be aware that our first release is not out yet, so things are still experimental.

#uk #ge2024

on Jun 23

Showing first 20 out of 102