Licensee Spotlight: Beneath the Pyramid's Shadow for Savage Worlds | Pinnacle Entertainment Group
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In the apocalyptic horror setting Beneath the Pyramid's Shadow from Ace licensee Hardy Tales, desperate heroes fight for freedom and survival in a world beset by eldritch horrors and crumbling into ruin: "Two years ago, a massive, rust-colored pyramid
#News #zine #licensee #kickstarter #savageworlds #savageworldslicensees
21h ago
Playable Worlds’ Stars Reach: A Kickstarter Pledge Dilemma
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We heard a bit back from Playable Worlds that they want to run a Kickstarter campaign for Stars Reach. Any mentioned of Kickstarter and the MMORPG space in the same breath is almost guaranteed to g…
on Tue, 3PM