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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From askubuntu.com

Kubuntu 24.04 fails to use Android mobile hotspot

1 1

Kubuntu 24.04, freshly installed, fails to use the internet provided by my Android phone's Wi-Fi hotspot. Other devices work fine with it. Ping works, but not DNS resolution. Any way to fix or diag...

#android #kubuntu #wireless

18h ago


From askubuntu.com

Why the number of bits or bytes is different for a folder that has been copied between two external drives?

1 1

I copied a directory from an old external drive to a new one and the number of bytes or bits, I don't know which one is, it is diferent. In the old one, dolphin says that the directory has a size o...

#disk #files #dolphin #kubuntu

16h ago

Showing first 2 out of 2