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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From loudersound.com

"My mother took me to see Saga when I was 15. It was fantastic!". A glimpse inside Yogi Lang's prog world

1 1

When German prog rockers RPWL released their album Crime Scene we grilled singer and keyboardist Yogi Lang on his prog loves

#metal #heavymetal #loudersound

8h ago


From loudersound.com

"Now this is hilarious!" Rob Zombie reacts to Daily Mail-concocted "outrage" over his "violent" new children's book Z Is For Zombie

1 1

"Is it problematic to expose children [to this] and glorify characters who are depicted committing murder, torture, sexual assault, body mutilation, necrophilia etc?"

#metal #heavymetal #loudersound

14h ago


From loudersound.com

The best new rock songs you need to hear right now

1 1

Starring Witch Fever, Dinosaur Pile-Up, The Southern River Band and more!

#metal #heavymetal #loudersound

10h ago


From loudersound.com

“When the saxophone started we laughed and skipped it… The reason I dismissed them then is exactly why I like them now!” How doom and occult keyboardist Carl Westholm was converted by Van der Graaf Generator

1 1

Ex Candlemass and Avatarium member was won over by prog veterans’ Godbluff album – and it started with a photo of Mikael Åkerfeldt with Peter Hammill

#metal #heavymetal #loudersound

8h ago


From loudersound.com

“I went from being James LaBrie’s biggest critic to being his biggest cheerleader. I want him to succeed more than anybody”: Now Mike Portnoy is back in Dream Theater, he only wishes it had happened sooner

1 1

Co-founding drummer discusses how easy 16th album Parasomnia came together, his sadness when he thought a reunion might not happen, and how he’s not quite the control freak some people think he is

#metal #heavymetal #loudersound

20h ago


From loudersound.com

"It's got the filthiest tenor saxophone solo ever." Blur guitarist Graham Coxon reveals the prog rock song that changed his life

1 1

Blur guitarist Graham Coxon was a progressive rock fan as a teenager, and one song in particular captured his imagination

#metal #heavymetal #loudersound

13h ago


From loudersound.com

Stevie Wonder announced as final BST at Hyde Park headliner

1 1

Legendary American funk/soul/R&B musician joins BST Hyde Park line-up on the same weekend as Neil Young and Jeff Lynne's ELO

#metal #heavymetal #loudersound

17h ago


From loudersound.com

Katatonia and guitarist Anders Nyström go their separate ways

1 1

Katatonia have just announced a European tour for November and December

#metal #heavymetal #loudersound

6h ago


From loudersound.com

Fruupp vocalist, flautist and bassist Peter Farrelly has died, aged 76

1 1

Peter Farrelly fronted Northern Ireland proggers Fruupp throughout their six-year tenure in the 1970s

#metal #heavymetal #loudersound

12h ago

Showing first 14 out of 14