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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From github.com

awesomekling - Overview

1 1

Building a truly independent web browser with the help of friends around the world :^) - awesomekling

#tech #github #bigotry #ladybird #misogyny #serenityos #transphobia

20h ago


From github.com

Gender neutral language within build instructions by Tunas1337 · Pull Request #6814 · SerenityOS/serenity

4 21

It's a minor nitpick, but I think it's important; assuming the user and/or developer of the operating system is male isn't exactly the best.

#tech #github #bigotry #ladybird #misogyny #serenityos #transphobia

on Tue, 11AM


From github.com

Update outdated male-specific language by denisdefreyne · Pull Request #24647 · SerenityOS/serenity

1 10

The pronouns “they”/“them” are a better choice, as Serenity does not cater to only men.

#tech #github #bigotry #ladybird #misogyny #serenityos #transphobia

on Tue, 8PM


From github.com

Grammar fixes by ryancdotorg · Pull Request #24648 · SerenityOS/serenity

1 4

There are a few instances where comments and documentation have minor grammar issues likely resulting from English being the author's second language. This PR fixes several such cases, changing to ...

#tech #github #bigotry #ladybird #misogyny #serenityos #transphobia

on Wed, 8AM


From github.com

Update CONTRIBUTING.md by Shadlock0133 · Pull Request #24650 · SerenityOS/serenity

2 2

Per #24647, I've updated the language policy as to not alienate the people that use the software, males. This change is objectively good and uncontroversial. :) Sadly, as I am a trans woman, this w...

#tech #github #bigotry #ladybird #misogyny #serenityos #transphobia

21h ago


From cmdr-nova.online

SerenityOS and LadyBirds: Because These Things Shouldn't Hide in Closed Git Conversations - ░ Nova Online

2 2

SerenityOS and LadyBird: Projects gone wrong with, you guessed it, far right, woman hating, transphobic weirdos.

#tech #github #bigotry #misogyny #neonazis #transphobia #ladybird #serenityos

23h ago


From substack.com

I'm forking Ladybird and stepping down as SerenityOS BDFL

1 1

In 2018, I created the SerenityOS project after completing a drug rehab program. I needed something to soak up my free time while learning to live a normal life, and it turned out that building a new operating system was a task of just the right proportions.

#tech #github #bigotry #ladybird #misogyny #serenityos #transphobia

on Jun 3


From abc.net.au

'Disgusting and disturbing': Why some female teachers are leaving the profession

4 4

Female teachers are being sworn at, sexually harassed and physically threatened in high schools by male students. They say young men are bringing the misogynistic ideas of Andrew Tate and other online influencers into the classroom. 

#teens #school #misogyny #parenting

18h ago

Showing first 12 out of 12