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From usgs.gov

Assessment of undiscovered conventional oil and gas resources in upper Paleozoic reservoirs of the Wind River Basin, Bighorn Basin, and Powder River Basin Provinces, 2024

1 1

Using a geology-based assessment methodology, the U.S. Geological Survey estimated undiscovered, technically recoverable mean conventional resources of 47 million barrels of oil and 876 billion cubic feet of gas in upper Paleozoic reservoirs of the Wind River Basin, Bighorn Basin, and Powder...

#og #gas #gis #oil #model #energy #geology #mapping #montana #spatial

14h ago


From sciencebase.gov

USGS National and Global Oil and Gas Assessment Project—Paleozoic Reservoirs of the Wind River Basin, Big Horn Basin, and Powder River Basin Provinces: Assessment Unit Boundaries, Assessment Input Data, and Fact Sheet Data Tables - ScienceBase-Catalog

1 1

This data release contains the boundaries of assessment units and input data for the assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources in upper Paleozoic reservoirs of the Wind River, Big Horn, and Powder River Basin provinces, Montana, Wyoming, South Dakota, and Nebraska. The Assessment Unit is...

#og #gas #gis #oil #model #energy #geology #mapping #montana #spatial

14h ago


From usgs.gov

USGS releases assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources in Wyoming, southern Montana

1 1

RESTON, Va. â€” The U.S. Geological Survey released its assessment of potential for undiscovered oil and gas in formations under Wyoming and parts of southern Montana as well as parts of western South Dakota and Nebraska, assessing that there are technically recoverable resources of 47 million...

#og #gas #gis #oil #model #energy #geology #mapping #montana #spatial

on Mar 13

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