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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From mdhughes.tech

Arrokoth - Mark writes

1 2

Graphical adventure game creation system! Created with SBCL Common Lisp and McCLIM. You can follow code development at my gitlab. I often talk about it on fediverse, and the Lispy Gopher Climate Sh…

#lisp #links #gamedev #nudgolf

on Jan 1


From itch.io

NUD GOLF 2 more nconc - lispmoo2 by screwtape

1 2

1. Challenge 2 screwlisp 1.1. Input '(a (b c) d (e f)) overwrite the b with the f. 1.2. Screwtape's solution. ( progn ( require :nud ) ( in-package :nud/user ) (setq *test2* '(a (b c) d (e f))) (gird...

#lisp #links #gamedev #nudgolf

on Tue, 6AM

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