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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From rawchili.com

The Final Inning in Oakland Should Fans Shoulder the Blame

1 1

The Final Inning in Oakland Should Fans Shoulder the Blame 'The Final Inning in Oakland: Should Fans Shoulder

#a #mlb #baseball #oaklanda #mlbhotstove #mlbplayoffs #2002oaklanda #mlbfreeagency #mlbtraderumors #oaklandathletics

21h ago


From rawchili.com

NBA Cap Guru explains where the Sacramento Kings stand heading into the NBA trade market

1 1

NBA Cap Guru explains where the Sacramento Kings stand heading into the NBA trade market NBA Analyst for

#NFL #mlb #nba #khtk #49ers #sports #khtk1140 #oaklanda #basketball #sacramento

6h ago


From rawchili.com

Jomboy speaking about what really happened to the A’s

1 1

Fishfash is greedier turd than we imagined. Wow! All this drama is to continue receiving revenue sharing. https://youtu.be/OPz3-mFMkI0?si=U5FWHFrs3h3orPzP

#mlb #oakland #baseball #athletics #California #oaklandathletics #mlbamericanleague #majorleaguebaseball #mlbamericanleaguewest

2h ago

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