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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From japantimes.co.jp

Japan to study sea changes using fishers' data

1 1

Japanese catches of major fish species such as salmon and saury have been slumping since around 2010, according to a national fishing industry group.

#Japan #oceans #fishing #zengyoren #Environment #sciencehealth #nipponfoundation #universityoftokyo

15h ago


From japantimes.co.jp

Nippon Foundation to fund Scottish study of deep-sea 'dark oxygen'

1 1

The discovery is attracting attention worldwide as it challenges the conventional scientific consensus that oxygen is produced solely from light through photosynthesis.

#Japan #oceans #sciencehealth #nipponfoundation #scottishassociationformarinescience

19h ago


From theguardian.com

‘Catastrophic’: Great Barrier Reef hit by its most widespread coral bleaching, study finds

8 8

More than 40% of individual corals monitored around One Tree Island reef bleached by heat stress and damaged by flesh-eating disease

#xr #oceans #ecology #Australia #Conservation #biodiversity #oceanwarming #australianews #globalwarming #oceanacidification

13h ago


From francetvinfo.fr

Protection des dauphins : Agnès Pannier-Runacher s'engage à mettre "20 millions d'euros sur la table" pour aider les pêcheurs interdits de pêche dans le Golfe de Gascogne

1 1

Toutefois, ce n'est pas une solution satisfaisante, reconnaît la ministre qui assure avoir demandé une accélération de la mise en place d'équipements permettant d'effaroucher les cétacés à l'approche des navires.

#peche #oceans #dauphins #golfdegascogne

6h ago

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