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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From sportschau.de

Türkischer Rechtsextremismus: Torschütze Demiral zeigt bei EM Wolfsgruß

7 10

Der zweimalige Torschütze Merih Demiral hat beim Sieg der Türkei gegen Österreich im EM-Achtelfinale den Wolfsgruß gezeigt - es ist das Symbol der türkischen rechtsextremen Organisation "Graue Wölfe". Österreichische Fans stimmten rechtsextreme Gesänge an.

#em #em24 #nazis #euro2024 #faschisten #identitare #patriotismus #uefaeuro2024 #nationalisten #niewiederistjetzt

on Wed, 12AM


From taz.de

Österreich verliert im Achtelfinale: „So a Schaaß“

1 1

Österreichs Team und Fans hadern mit dem 1:2 gegen die Türkei: kein Sieg trotz Spielüberlegenheit. Der türkische Torwart hatte etwas dagegen.

#sport #turkei #fankultur #osterreich #Schwerpunkt #achtelfinale #fußballem2024

15h ago


From bytesde.com

Die FPÖ meldet sich zu Wort… *Facepalm*

1 1

Die FPÖ meldet sich zu Wort… *Facepalm*https://i.redd.it/qo2t0x2c1cad1.jpegVon D4B34

#austria #osterreich

8h ago


From byteseu.com

My favorite moment of yesterday's game…

1 1

...is when Gregoritsch speaks out against right-wing ideology in an interview with Servus TV (!) after the match. Brilliant :D Gregoritsch: 'I think that is the message to all of Austria, perhaps to all of Europe: that one should not deal with extreme differentiation and certainly not with...

#austria #osterreich #republicofaustria #republikosterreich

20h ago


From byteseu.com

Austria offers high quality of life and unfriendly people

1 1

Austria offers high quality of life and unfriendly peoplehttps://www.derstandard.at/story/3000000226898/oesterreich-bietet-hohe-lebensqualitaet-und-unfreundliche-menschenPosted by mitsuhiko

#austria #osterreich #republicofaustria #republikosterreich

20h ago


From byteseu.com

SPÖ, before the National Council election and after the election.

1 1

SPÖ, before the National Council election and after the election.https://i.redd.it/by2dn0cqg9ad1.jpegPosted by civman96

#austria #osterreich #republicofaustria #republikosterreich

18h ago


From byteseu.com

Real estate industry wants brokerage commissions back

1 1

Real estate industry wants brokerage commissions backhttps://orf.at/stories/3362473/Posted by GBAlkali

#austria #osterreich #republicofaustria #republikosterreich

17h ago


From byteseu.com

First figures on federal treasury

1 1

According to the Ministry of Finance, more than 43,000 accounts have been opened digitally via ID Austria in the past two months The Ministry of Finance speaks of a “very successful start'Since the Federal Treasury was relaunched on April 22, one billion euros have already been paid in. The...

#austria #osterreich #republicofaustria #republikosterreich

16h ago


From byteseu.com

Local prices again

1 1

Recently we asked ourselves why we still buy so much locally. Shortly afterwards we placed an order from Amazon for sanitary pads, toilet paper and kitchen roll. Until Covid, I was a big fan of just going to the nearest electronics store and getting what I needed there. It was always a bit more...

#austria #osterreich #republicofaustria #republikosterreich

14h ago


From byteseu.com

Dude, what's going on? Why are you so grumpy about Arda?

1 1

Dude, what's going on? Why are you so grumpy about Arda?https://v.redd.it/a7z3hy0eyaad1Posted by hanki_dory

#austria #osterreich #republicofaustria #republikosterreich

12h ago


From byteseu.com

Another nice treat from the FPÖ

1 1

The last sentence in particular amuses me. How dare you try to support your own arguments with scientific facts when you can rely so easily on anecdotal evidence and your own gut feeling. 😂😅https://i.redd.it/nnkgy2n2qbad1.pngPosted by JohnnyClank

#austria #osterreich #republicofaustria #republikosterreich

12h ago


From byteseu.com

Did anyone ever find out what really happened to him?

1 1

Did anyone ever find out what really happened to him?https://i.redd.it/dahaxboc3cad1.jpegPosted by ConcentrateBitter175

#austria #osterreich #republicofaustria #republikosterreich

10h ago


From byteseu.com

The FPÖ speaks out… *Facepalm*

1 1

The FPÖ speaks out… *facepalm*https://i.redd.it/qo2t0x2c1cad1.jpegPosted by D4B34

#austria #osterreich #republicofaustria #republikosterreich

9h ago


From byteseu.com

The mail was there.

1 1

Had to rip open the box to get it out.https://i.redd.it/itldj8xg4cad1.pngPosted by Roku80

#austria #osterreich #republicofaustria #republikosterreich

9h ago


From byteseu.com

We are looking for more mods.

1 1

Good bye, First link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScDmlFxkMVKwH7OmS0kdgj7Pae9ExWsK9RIfGK5faoFPkq-bw/viewform?usp=sf_link We are once again looking for people who are willing to support us in moderation and to work in our team. As you can see, the community is constantly growing, and...

#austria #osterreich #republicofaustria #republikosterreich

8h ago


From byteseu.com

I was at the post office

1 1

You have to be really nice to the package and tickle it a bit on the side, then it will jump out on its own!https://i.redd.it/4ejr3ifz4dad1.jpegPosted by darkie91

#austria #osterreich #republicofaustria #republikosterreich

7h ago


From byteseu.com

Report: Committee of inquiry into red-blue abuse of power

1 1

Report: Committee of inquiry into red-blue abuse of powerhttps://gruene.at/bericht-rot-blauer-machtmissbrauch/Posted by UninsurableTaximeter

#austria #osterreich #republicofaustria #republikosterreich

1h ago


From degruyter.com

Künstliche Intelligenz im Strafvollzug: Zulässigkeit, Bedarf und Ethik multimodaler Überwachung im Kontext der österreichischen Justiz

1 1

Zusammenfassung Der vorliegende Beitrag widmet sich der Analyse multimodaler KI-Anwendungen im Strafvollzug zur Erkennung von selbst- und fremdgefährdendem Verhalten. Ausgangspunkt der Untersuchung ist ein entsprechendes Forschungsprojekt, das jüngst in österreichischen Justizanstalten...

#AI #ki #ethik #Justiz #gefangnis #osterreich #Strafvollzug #artificialinteligence #kunstlicheintelligenz

19h ago

Showing first 20 out of 32