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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From permaculture-network.eu

Assurance program

1 1

Welcome to the Assurance Program at the EuPN, a community dedicated to nurturing sustainable living and learning across Europe.Our assurance program is designed to connect permaculture practitioners

#network #community #permaculture

10h ago


From agroecologymap.org

The Food Forest - Agroecology Map

1 1

The Food Forest is a 15 hectare property in Gawler where we grow over 160 varieties of fruit, nuts, grains, vegetables and timber. If you haven't already tasted any of our goodies, come along and s...

#farming #australia #agriculture #agroecology #foodsystems #permakultur #agroecologia #agroecologie #agrofloresta #agroforestry

13h ago


From agroecologymap.org

Purple Pear Farm - Agroecology Map

1 1

A small scale Biodynamic Permaculture farm – using sustainable and regenerative agriculture practices. Run by Mark Brown and Kate Beveridge, Purple Pear Farm, Education Centre and Biodynamic far...

#farming #australia #agriculture #agroecology #foodsystems #permakultur #agroecologia #agroecologie #agrofloresta #agroforestry

13h ago


From agroecologymap.org

Limestone Permaculture - Agroecology Map

1 1

"At Limestone Permaculture we strive to educate for a regenerative & sustainable future by exampling what is possible right now with Permaculture Principles.! We feel there has been an ‘awakenin...

#farming #australia #agriculture #agroecology #foodsystems #permakultur #agroecologia #agroecologie #agrofloresta #agroforestry

13h ago


From homesteadculture.com

Protect Trees From Deer and Rodents Online Course

1 4

* Individually protect trees & shrubs from hungry deer.* Consider deer resistance of various fruit & nut trees.* Let go of the need for absolute

#orchard #gardening #foodforest #fruittrees #homesteading #permaculture #deerresistant

on Tue, 3AM


From agroecologymap.org

Kendall Permaculture Farm - Agroecology Map

1 1

The Kendall Permaculture Farm is located in the Noosa Hinterland town of Kin Kin in Queensland, Australia. It has been a Permaculture Demonstration and Education site since 2012, and over 350 pe...

#farming #australia #agriculture #agroecology #foodsystems #permakultur #agroecologia #agroecologie #agrofloresta #agroforestry

13h ago


From agroecologymap.org

High Valley Dawn Permaculture Farm Yeppoon - Agroecology Map

1 1

The High Valley Dawn journey began when a passion for wellness and sustainable development collided with a desire to serve fresh, local, organically grown produce in our nearby restaurant, Beaches ...

#farming #australia #agriculture #agroecology #foodsystems #permakultur #agroecologia #agroecologie #agrofloresta #agroforestry

13h ago


From change.org

Sign the Petition

6 6

Stop the Destruction of the World-Renowned Dartington Forest Garden

#ecology #gardening #foodforest #agroforestry #permaculture #natureemergency #climateemergency #forestgarden

14h ago

Showing first 9 out of 9