APOD: 2025 March 21 - The Leo Trio
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A different astronomy and space science related image is featured each day, along with a brief explanation.
#leo #heelal #picture #astronomy #astronomie #sterrenkunde #sterrenkijken #apod
on Fri, 5AM
These Funny Animals Found Themselves In The Most Unexpected Situations While At The Shelter
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The animal shelter is not a place that we typically associate with joyful moments and silly mischief, but even the dogs and cats who are waiting for their permanent homes can have some fun. After all, when their bellies are full and sleep is tight, why not give the animal rescue caretakers a...
#dog #pic #cute #doge #dogs #pics #animal #animals #picture #pictures
18h ago
Les internautes lisent-ils encore ? - Mes Plaisirs Magazine
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Sur Internet, le scroll est devenu un art, l'image une reine, et le texte… un fantôme. Pourquoi les articles, pourtant soigneusement écrits, peinent-ils à retenir l’attention ? Serions-nous devenus collectivement paresseux face à la lecture ? Une question qui mérite plus que trois lignes de...
#news #text #image #paris #texte #video #canada #europe #france #quebec
16h ago