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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From red-lang.org

0.6.6: Memory Management Improvements

2 4

This new milestone brings many low-level improvements to Red's memory management and garbage collecting. Most of those are long-planned...

#red #rebol #programming #programming_language #redlang

on Wed, 5PM


From frankkingphotos.ca

Urban landscapes: basking with the bridge

1 1

CHERRY STREET NORTH BRIDGE, TORONTO, ONTARIO This is one of four new bridges that opened just this year in the port lands of Canada’s largest city. I figured there might be decent photo oppor…

#red #yyz #photo #urbex #photography

5h ago


From pixels.com

Pink beauty abstract watercolor painting by Karen Kaspar

1 1

Pink beauty abstract watercolor painting by Karen Kaspar

#art #red #arte #kunst #natur #poppy #artist #blumen #floral #garden

10h ago

Showing first 4 out of 4