As Fox News Floats Death Sentences, Terror Sweeps Across the US
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Fox News has floated the idea of sentencing anyone prosecuting Trump to death. This as right wing terror is spreading across the US.
#News #terror #foxnews #poilitics #terrorism #miscellaneous
18h ago
Harrowing video shows Hamas torturing innocent Palestinians
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The horrifying incidents appear to have been filmed inadvertently by CCTV cameras inside a Hamas military base in northern Gaza raided by Israeli troops this year
#gaza #hamas #lbgtq #terror #torture
6h ago
Suicide bombing at Pakistan train station leaves at least 26 people dead and 50 wounded
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A suicide bombing attack at a train station in south-western Pakistan has killed at least 26 people and wounded about 50 others, officials say.
on Sat, 12PM