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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From poets.org


1 1

My friend and I snickered the first time / we heard the meditation teacher,

#poem #poems #poetry #kindness #poemaday #compassion #jamescrews #todayspoem

22h ago


From poetsforscience.org

Some Call This Flower Devil's Bouquet - The Nature of Our Times

1 1

Five years I have waged silent combat with a nameless city mower that shaves the greenbelt right up to the graveled edge where a lone Scarlet Muskflower grows. Behold: green-gray leaves silver-mottled and viscous, curled like small canoes, hearth red globes of trumpet flowers, white-capped...

#poetry #todayspoem

1h ago

Showing first 4 out of 4