Alma-chan Wants to Have a Family! Comedy Manga Gets TV Anime
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Title: Alma-chan Wants to Have a Family! Comedy Manga Gets TV Anime In the bustling world of anime adaptations, a heartwarming tale is set to grace our screens as "Alma-chan Wants to Have a Family!" makes its leap from page to animation. Directed by the talented Yasuhiro Minami at Studio
#tvanime #almachan #comedymanga #familyanime #anime
on Fri, 10AM
Classic Stars TV Anime Sows Dis=Cord with Latest Casting, Character Trailer
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Anime fans are buzzing with excitement and intrigue as the upcoming TV anime "Classic Stars" stirs up controversy with its latest casting announcements and character trailer. Set to make its debut in April 2025, this original anime has already captured the attention of fans worldwide. The...
#anime #tvanime #classicstars #charactertrailer #castingcontroversy
16h ago