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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From 19thnews.org

A new Texas bill is coming after online abortion pills

1 4

The measure, introduced Friday in Texas, may be the most meaningful attempt this year to block the ordering and mailing of abortion pills. 

#texas #txlege #abortion #pregnancy #healthcare #mifepristone #reproductivehealth #reproductivejustice

on Fri, 11PM


From texasobserver.org

Amid Texas Measles Outbreak, Conservatives Double Down on Anti-Vax Crusade

1 3

Spread of the virus is due to low immunization rates in certain communities. Meanwhile, some legislators are cheering for more “medical freedom.”

#news #texas #uspol #health #txlege #antivax #measles #politics #healthcare #humanrights

on Mar 10


From texasobserver.org

How Voucher Vendors Could Make Millions from ‘School Choice’ in Texas

1 7

The Legislature’s current proposals put a handful of private contractors in the driver’s seat. Other states have already seen problems.

#news #texas #uspol #txlege #schools #politics #vouchers #education

on Mar 10

Showing first 3 out of 3