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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From janejules.store


1 1

All crystals available

#fyp #Crystals #minerals #universe

9h ago


From bigthink.com

Ask Ethan: What are the biggest JWST discoveries so far?

1 6

Since mid-2022, JWST has been showing us how the Universe grows up, from planets to galaxies and more. So, what's its biggest find of all?

#art #NASA #moon #space #stars #SpaceX #galaxy #science #universe #astronomy

7h ago


From ardmediathek.de

phoenix persönlich: Schimpansenforscherin Jane Goodall - hier anschauen

1 1

Theo Koll mit der Verhaltensforscherin Jane Goodall über ihre Pionierarbeit in der Schimpansen-Forschung, ihr Engagement für Natur- und Umweltschutz und darüber, was ihr Hoffnung gibt.

#jane #sister #politik #science #genetics #hoffnung #theokoll #universe #evolution #epigenetics

on Jan 5

Showing first 5 out of 5