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From gamingonlinux.com

A Game About Digging A Hole has you dig the stupidest biggest hole possible to find potential secrets

4 4

A Game About Digging A Hole sounds like it might actually be somewhat amusing. As the name suggests, it's all about digging down deep where you might find some secrets.

#steam #casual #proton #sandbox #upcoming #indiegame #linux #gaming #pcgaming #indiegames

17h ago


From gamingonlinux.com

Crescent County is an open-world "witch-tech" delivery life-sim where you travel around on a motorised broom

4 4

Witch-tech? That's a new one. Crescent County has a really fun idea and some lovely visuals too. It's a delivery life-sim where you move to a witch-tech island and explore its painterly open world on the back of your scrappy, souped-up motorbroom.

#demo #steam #casual #upcoming #indiegame #openworld #NativeLinux #indiegames #linuxgaming #crescentcounty

15h ago

Showing first 4 out of 4