Why is hydration important for women’s health? Key Benefits
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Discover Why is hydration important for women’s health?. Learn how staying hydrated benefits skin, hormones, and overall wellness.
#womenshealth #healthyliving #hydrationtips
17h ago
Sexism Is a Risk Factor for Memory Decline Among Women
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Columbia researchers have found that women born in the most sexist U.S. states experience faster memory decline in later life compared to women born in the least sexist states.
#memory #racism #sexism #dementia #misogyny #HealthEquity #publichealth #unitedstates #womenshealth #healthgradient
on Wed, 7PM
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Women experiencing pregnancy loss in states with abortion bans told us they wished they had known what to expect and how to advocate for themselves. We created this guide for anyone who finds themselves in the same position.
#women #medicine #healthcare #abortionban #womenshealth #womensrights #womenandgirls #abortionishealthcare
on Thu, 11AM
10 women who have refused to stay silent, shifting the dial for change in 2024
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Agenda setters, rule breakers, those that have shifted the dial. Here are the top ten women who have left us awe-inspired this year.
#icons #fsckrwnjs #womenshealth #womensrights #womenssafety #wonderfulwomen #moversandshakers #fsckthepatriarchy #fuckaroundandfindout
21h ago