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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From qasimrashid.com

S. Carolina Intros Bill to Execute Women Who Seek An Abortion

7 14

Here's what's in the bill, why it is so dangerous, and the meaningful steps you can take to fight back, support women's health, and help block this bill from becoming law

#abortti #politiikka #yhdysvallat #womensrights #southcarolina #totalitarismi #VoteTheMallOut #naistenoikeudet #womenshealthcare #magaisaterroristorg

on Wed, 4AM


From propublica.org

Are Abortion Bans Across America Causing Deaths? The States That Passed Them Are Doing Little to Find Out.

17 17

The same political leaders who enacted abortion bans oversee the state committees that review maternal deaths. These committees haven’t tracked the laws’ impacts, and most haven’t finished examining cases from the year the bans went into effect.

#us #law #bans #death #texas #deaths #states #usnews #barnica #doctors

21h ago

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