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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From golem.de

Studie zu Homeoffice: Bürozwang regt Angestellte stärker zur Kündigung an - Golem.de

5 5

Große Tech-Konzerne wollen Angestellte wieder im Büro sehen. Das gefällt laut einer Studie erfahrenen Mitarbeitern und Managern gar nicht.

#fail #newz #newwork #homeoffice #remotework #officezwang #backtooffice #returntooffice #kundigungsgrund #worklifebalance

22h ago


From stacybraiuca.com

Emotional Navigation System

1 2

Embark on an inner journey with Alice and the Squirrel Wrangler in Listening to Our Internal GPS: A Squirrel’s Tale in Wonderland. Discover how to navigate life’s twists by tuning into your intuition, represented by playful ‘squirrels’ guiding the way. Explore insights from Wonderland that...

#4silentses #changenavigator #stressmanagment #worklifebalance #squirrelwrangler #automate2liberate #techfoundationpro #technologytherapist #technologyfoundation #conqueryourdistractions

10h ago

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