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#1: 44m ago

From arstechnica.com

At the Olympics, AI is watching you

3 3

New system foreshadows a future where there are too many CCTV cameras for humans to physically watch.

#AI #Police #olympics

1h ago

#2: 44m ago

From theverge.com

Here’s how to stop X from using your posts to train its AI

12 12

You can delete your conversations with Grok, too.

#x #AI #grok #Twitter #elonmusk

1h ago

#3: 3h ago

From techcrunch.com

Here's how to disable X (Twitter) from using your data to train its Grok AI | TechCrunch

9 9

The setting is turned on by default, but the good news is that you can turn it off and also delete your conversation history with the AI. 

#x #llm #grok #tech #press #grokai #optout #xitter #consent #birdsite

4h ago

#4: 5h ago

From arstechnica.com

Google claims math breakthrough with proof-solving AI models

1 2

AlphaProof and AlphaGeometry 2 solve problems, with caveats on time and human assistance

#AI #imo #algebra #geometry #mathematics #numbertheory #combinatorics

20h ago

#5: 5h ago

From theverge.com

Search as we know it is officially over

8 8

On The Vergecast: SearchGPT, the Samsung Z Fold 6, and Apple Maps.

#AI #ml #llm #nlp #genai #google #aiagent

7h ago

#6: 7h ago

From engadget.com

Video game performers will strike over AI concerns

1 1

SAG-AFTRA has called for a strike against ten video game publishers. The union has been negotiating with the group about use of AI.

#AI #labor #gaming #strike #unions #sagaftra #voiceactors

3h ago

#7: 11h ago

From engadget.com

AI video startup Runway reportedly trained on ‘thousands’ of YouTube videos without permission

0 3

AI company Runway reportedly scraped “thousands” of YouTube videos and pirated versions of copyrighted movies without permission. Alleged spreadsheets of internal company data suggest Runway trained its Gen-3 model using YouTube content from Disney, Netflix, Pixar and popular media outlets.

on Fri, 5AM

#8: 13h ago

From wired.com

SearchGPT Is OpenAI’s Direct Assault on Google

1 5

The company behind ChatGPT is expanding into search, and leaning heavily on its relationships with publishers.

#AI #google #openai

22h ago

#9: 17h ago

From engadget.com

X's Grok chatbot is misleading voters about the presidential election

9 15

Grok's AI chatbot claims that President Biden's name must stay on the ballot in nine states, a claim that is categorically false.

#Twitter #elonmusk #x #AI

19h ago

#10: 21h ago

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