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From sciencealert.com

COVID's Hidden Toll: Full-Body Scans Reveal Long-Term Immune Effects

7 7

Long COVID is a brutal illness without a known mechanism or cure.

#News #best #COVID #amazing #science #ScienceAlert #Breakthroughs

6h ago

From cdc.gov

COVID-19 can surge throughout the year

5 5

COVID-19 peaks in the winter, like many other respiratory virus illnesses, but can also surge at oth

#COVID19 #WearAMask #CovidIsNotOver #cleanindoorair #wesaveourselves #COVID

4h ago

From jhu.edu

Transcript: Racial Bias and Pulse Oximeters Part 1—A Problem Hiding in Plain Sight | Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

3 3

The following is a transcript of Public Health On Call’s Special Series: Racial Bias and Pulse Oximeters Part 1—A Problem Hiding in Plain Sight released July 8, 2024.

#COVID #racism #medicine

15h ago

From statnews.com

‘Visionary’ study finds inflammation, evidence of Covid virus years after infection

2 2

A "visionary" new study finds inflammation and evidence of the Covid virus years after initial infection.

#COVID #Health #COVID19 #science #Pandemic #LongCovid

20h ago

From nih.gov

NIH-sponsored trial of nasal COVID-19 vaccine opens

2 5

Candidate vaccine could provide enhanced breadth of protection against emerging SARS-CoV-2 variants.

#COVID #nasal #COVID19 #vaccine #sarscov2

on Mon, 8PM

From mirror.co.uk

101 reasons to boot the Tories out - Partygate scandal to sewage and Liz Truss

1 1

From Rishi Sunak's helicopter usage, fury over the Tories partying while the nation was locked down under strict Covid rules and a burgeoning mental health crisis, to Liz Truss' disastrous stint as PM and spiralling energy costs... there are more than enough reasons to give the Tories a kicking...

#uk #ge24 #gtto #COVID #Sunak #crime #greed #brexit #sleaze #tories

1h ago

From prnewswire.com

Chronic virus found in long COVID gut up to 2 years post-infection

1 1

Team famous for HIV breakthroughs demonstrates both persistent COVID virus and widespread immune activation in long COVID; provides clear targets for treatment...


2h ago

From boingboing.net

This terrifying video reveals the damage COVID-19 causes throughout the body

1 1

Ok, I admit that this video showing the damage caused by COVID-19 is pretty terrifying. But, as I've repeatedly said, I'd rather live in reality than be in denial about COVID and…


2h ago

From genomic.social

Emanuel Wyler (@ewyler@genomic.social)

1 1

Coronavirus im Sommer: Warum uns SARS-CoV-2 auch in den warmen Monaten beschäftigt – kurzer Überblickstext zu den aktuellen Fragen der Coronaforschung. https://www.tagesspiegel.de/wissen/corona-im-sommer-warum-uns-das-virus-auch-in-den-warmen-monaten-beschaftigt-11949983.html

#COVID #Corona #noCovid

8h ago

From beesbuzz.biz

post-COVID doldrums

1 1

I’m over COVID, and just have a little lingering bronchitis. Also some of the worst brain fog I’ve ever had. I feel like my brain’s been through a blender. Spatial relationships make very little sense, my reaction times are super slow, I am definitely not safe driving right now, and so on.

#blog #COVID #Health #brainfog

21h ago

From federated.press

Climate News Now (@ClimateNewsNow@federated.press)

1 1

1.69K Posts, 0 Following, 5.45K Followers · Sharing Curated News About The Environment & Climate Change

#COVID #water #climate #Australia #juicemedia #followfriday

22h ago

From rollingstone.com

How Europe's Conspiracy Influencers Went From Covid-19 to the Climate

1 1

Conspiratorial narratives about climate action have entered the mainstream all over Europe

#COVID #climate #climatechange

22h ago

From wonkodon.com

Wonkette Headline Bot (@wonkette_bot@wonkodon.com)

1 1

5.13K Posts, 1 Following, 1.2K Followers · Bringing y'all the snark

#COVID #Trump #viruses #followfriday

22h ago

From substack.com

Lab Leak Mania

1 2

Why did the New York Times publish an op-ed supporting the lab leak theory?


on Wed, 4PM

From cbsnews.com

COVID trend reaches "high" level across western U.S. in latest CDC data

1 4

The CDC says it is too early to say if this year's summer COVID-19 surge has arrived.

#COVID #publichealth #unitedstates

on Tue, 7PM

From theguardian.com

Summer wave of Covid in England: how worried should I be?

1 7

With evidence that infections are on the rise, we look at the so-called FLiRT variants, and assess the risks

#COVID #IDMastodon #publichealth

on Tue, 7PM

From theguardian.com

Stephen Lillie on Rishi Sunak’s electoral apocalypse – cartoon

1 4

The Conservatives’ general election continues to lurch from one disaster to another

#uk #ge24 #gtto #COVID #Sunak #crime #greed #brexit #sleaze #tories

on Sun, 4PM