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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From youtube.com

Wednesday's Pandemic Update: If Somone Wants To Mask Let Them Mask

1 1

The Wednesday Edition of the pandemic update with the latest news and data on the ongoing Covid pandemic and other viruses. My Website: www.datareport.infoMy...

#n95 #h5n1 #MaskUp #COVID19 #Pandemic #sarscov2 #CovidIsNotOver #COVIDisAirborne #keepmasksinhealthcare

5h ago


From youtube.com

Dr. Fauci weighs in on Biden's debate performance

1 1

Dr. Anthony Fauci is sharing the lessons he's learned from his decadeslong career in public health. CBS News chief Washington correspondent Major Garrett sat...

#Biden #USpol #fauci #COVID19 #uspolitics

4h ago


From substack.com

Lab Leak Mania

2 2

Why did the New York Times publish an op-ed supporting the lab leak theory?


15h ago


From supportedemployment.ca

Disability Pride Month - Canadian Association for Supported Employment

2 3

Every year in July, Disability Pride Month celebrates persons who experience disability, their identities and culture, and their positive contributions to

#art #wrath #COVID19 #wrath2024 #disability #chronicillness #disabilitypride

on Mon, 8PM


From jamanetwork.com

In-Hospital Delirium and Disability and Cognitive Impairment After COVID-19

1 1

This cohort study examines the association of in-hospital delirium with functional disability and cognitive impairment for the first 6 months after discharge among older adults (aged 60 years or older) hospitalized with COVID-19.

#COVID19 #Delirium #IDMastodon #neurocovid

19h ago


From legrandsoir.info

Fuite du Covid-19 : des aveux scientifiques -- PMO

1 1

Toujours en librairie : Le Règne machinal (la crise sanitaire et au-delà). Avertissement. Il ne sera pas question ici d'« écofascisme ». A moins d'entendre par là, à juste titre, le naufrage de la puiscience déchaînée, ayant tué des millions de gens et (...)

#COVID19 #etatsunis #politique

18h ago


From novinite.com

Belgium Faces Surge in COVID-19 Cases - Novinite.com - Sofia News Agency

1 1

Belgium is grappling with a sharp surge in COVID-19 infections, local media have reported. By mid-June, authorities noted that 15 percent of those tested were positive, a stark increase compared to just two percent two months earlier.

#COVID19 #belgium

5h ago


From japantimes.co.jp

Japan adopts revised action plan for infectious diseases

1 1

The government will implement the plan flexibly while taking into consideration the impact of the measures on people's lives.

#Japan #Health #COVID19 #vaccinations #covid19injapan

21h ago


From bangkokpost.com

Covid-19 mainly affecting at-risk groups

1 1

Covid-19 is now being found primarily among at-risk groups such as the elderly and people with pre-existing illnesses, the Department of Disease Control (DDC) said in its latest situation report on Wednesday.

#risk #COVID19 #thailand

22h ago


From derstandard.at

Keine Lösung für Gratis-Corona-Tests in Sicht

3 3

Die ursprünglich für April angekündigte Einigung zwischen Ärztekammer und Sozialversicherung steht weiterhin aus. Virologin von Laer erwartet für Sommer einen "kleinen Buckel" bei Corona-Infektionen – und im Herbst "eine Welle"


12h ago


From nih.gov

NIH-sponsored trial of nasal COVID-19 vaccine opens

1 4

Candidate vaccine could provide enhanced breadth of protection against emerging SARS-CoV-2 variants.

#nasal #COVID19 #vaccine #sarscov2

on Mon, 8PM


From slate.fr

Les «bébés Covid» sont désormais à l'école, et ils ont du mal à suivre

1 1

Certains enfants peuvent à peine parler ou jouer avec les autres.


7h ago


From dmz-news.eu

Krankheit ohne Namen: Die Verschleierung von COVID-19 bei Prominenten und Sportlern

1 1

DMZ – GESELLSCHAFT ¦ Sarah Koller ¦ KOMMENTAR In den letzten Monaten häufen sich die Meldungen über prominente Persönlichkeiten und Sportler, die aufgrund schwerer Erkrankungen ihre Auftritte absagen müssen. Auffällig ist dabei, dass diese Krankheitsfälle selten mit COVID-19 oder Long COVID in...

#COVID #virus #Corona #studie #COVID19 #Impfung #COVID_19 #pandemie #sarscov2 #LongCovid

18h ago

Showing first 20 out of 23