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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From thebulwark.com

MAHA Is a Fraud

2 3

America has never been healthier. Going backwards is going to mean more people getting sick and dying.

#hhs #rfk #maha #uspol #vaccines #rfkgrifter #rfkpredator #publichealth #agentbrainworm #rfkisnokennedy

on Wed, 5PM


From scientificamerican.com

RFK, Jr. Wants to Let Bird Flu Spread on Poultry Farms. Why Experts Are Concerned

6 6

Health secretary RFK, Jr. has repeatedly suggested that farmers should let bird flu spread through flocks. Experts explain why that’s a dangerous idea

#rfk #rfkjr #health #disease #brainworm #poultryfarms #partyofstupid #scientificamerican #birdflu

15h ago

Showing first 3 out of 3