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From theguardian.com

New York state resident finds complete mastodon jaw beneath lawn

12 12

Jaw found in Scotchtown, Orange county, is latest notable discovery from ice age-era animal in the region

#jaw #News #backyard #theguardian #fossilfriday #paleontology #usnews #science #Mastodon #NewYork

3h ago

From nbcnews.com

FBI raids homes of two top NYC officials close to Mayor Eric Adams, sources say

6 6

Among the individuals targeted in the searches were First Deputy Mayor Sheena Wright and Deputy Mayor for Public Safety Philip Banks III, officials said.

#FBI #USpol #mayor #NewYork #democrats #ericadams #corruption #fuckericadams #nyc

on Sep 5

From theguardian.com

FBI raids homes of two top aides to New York mayor Eric Adams – report

5 5

Federal agents reportedly raided homes of first deputy mayor Sheena Wright and deputy mayor for public safety Philip Banks III

#law #nyc #press #NewYork #UutisBotEN #theguardian #unitedstates

on Sep 5

From theguardian.com

New report on New York police’s drone operations released amid sightings

4 4

Inquiry found NYPD’s current use and impact policies do not ‘sufficiently disclose’ its technology capability

#acab #drone #Police #usnews #NewYork #Technology #uspolicing #drones

8h ago

From n-tv.de

New Yorker düngen Cannabis mit Fledermaus-Kot und sterben

3 3

Weil Fledermaus-Kot als "Superfood" für Pflanzen gilt, versetzen zwei Cannabis-Fans aus New York ihre Stecklinge mit Guano. Doch der Einsatz des natürlichen Düngers endet für sie tödlich.

#USA #NewYork #international #infektionskrankheiten #cannabis

11h ago

From goodnewsnetwork.org

Watch This Mushroom Drive a Robot Across the Ground—We’re Not Joking

3 3

A mushroom's fungal filaments, known as mycelia, are known to carry electrical impulses in a way not too dissimilar from how human neurons.

#NewYork #biology #robotics #invention #mushrooms #happy #happynews #spreadjoy #depression #psychology

on Sep 5

From theguardian.com

New York man pleads guilty to running Chinese police station in Manhattan

2 2

Chen Jinping pleaded guilty to conspiring to act as an agent of China’s government and faces up to five years in prison

#China #usnews #NewYork #uscrime

7h ago

From theguardian.com

‘There’s a lot of drones authorized up there’: Biden sends radar systems and tries to calm fears

2 2

President says there is ‘nothing nefarious’ about objects moving in the skies above the US north-east

#drones #usnews #NewYork #JoeBiden #newjersey #uscongress #uspolitics #connecticut

13h ago

From wordpress.com

+tele maíz

2 11

Art Libreria - Madero 108, San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mx.

#cdmx #miami #tokyo #Madrid #cancun #london #NewYork #chicago #sevilla #tijuana

on Dec 6

From engadget.com

Five more Amazon facilities authorize worker strikes

1 1

Amazon workers are protesting low salaries, unsafe work condition and Amazon's refusal to recognize its union.

#tech #labor #union #amazon #NewYork #strikes #workers #illinois #unionstrong

3h ago

From rawchili.com

Grant Hutton on waivers

1 1

This means two things: Duclair is probably back Saturday Isaiah George has won a permanent roster spot Wagner

#nhl #hockey #NewYork #icehockey #islanders #uniondale #newyorkcity #newyorkislanders #nationalhockeyleague #nhleasternconference

6h ago

From elmundo.hn

Nueva York se prepara para recibir temperaturas bajo cero durante este invierno | Diario El Mundo | Noticias de Honduras y el Mundo

1 1

Los meteorólogos del medio especializado en clima, AccuWeather, advierten que estos fenómenos provocarán que las carreteras sean resbaladizas y retrasos significativos en el transporte aéreo.

#clima #nieve #NewYork #navidad #invierno #estadosunidos #temporadanavidena #proyeccionesclimaticas

7h ago

From newyorkaktuell.nyc

Was ist das geographische Zentrum New Yorks? - New York Aktuell

1 1

Nach Angaben des New Yorker Stadtplanungsamt (Department of Planning) liegt der geografische Mittelpunkt von New York City bei 365 Stockholm Street in Bushwick, einem Viertel von Brooklyn.  


8h ago

From crucero-magazin.de

AIDA kehrt 2026 nach New York zurück

1 1

AIDA kehrt 2026 mit AIDAdiva in die USA zurück, vier neue Routen ab New York geplant. Alle AIDA USA-Reisen sind ab dem 19. Dezember 2024 buchbar.

#USA #aida #NewYork #karibik #aidacruises #vereinigtestaaten #transatlantikkreuzfahrt

10h ago

From futura-sciences.com

Pourquoi les cas de cancer du sein chez les hommes explosent-ils de manière inquiétante à New York?

1 1

Une hausse inquiétante du cancer du sein chez les hommes secoue New York. Les chiffres alarmants révèlent une augmentation six fois supérieure en seulement cinq ans. Quelles sont les raisons...

#NewYork #cancerdusein

11h ago

From escape.flights

Cheap Flights: Newark/New York to Seoul $878-$947 r/t [January] (limited date selection) - Air Premia / United / Expedia

1 1

Air Premia and United have round-trip flights from Newark/New York (EWR) to Seoul (ICN) for $878-$947, NONSTOP or with a connection. Flights in January. No Weekends. Departures on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. 7-day minimum stay required. Limited availability.

#Travel #NewYork #airfare #flights #escapeflights

12h ago

From rawchili.com

Daily r/GoNets Discussion – December 18, 2024

1 1

Good morning/afternoon/evening, This is a place for Nets fans to discuss almost anything. Make sure to follow the

#nba #nets #NewYork #brooklyn #basketball #newyorkcity #brooklynnets #nbaeasternconference #nationalbasketballassociation #nbaeasternconferenceatlanticdivision

14h ago

From dailykos.com

Trump FREAKS OUT Over Judicial Ruling Against Immunity For His Felony Hush Money Convictions

1 1

For the better part of Donald Trump's public life, the one skill that he has shown any aptitude for is squirming out of legal troubles via delays, distractions, and deceit. It's a skill that has served him well considering the frequency of his civil...

#Trump #USpol #metoo #NewYork #newyorkcity

14h ago

From rawchili.com

Daily Discussion December 18, 2024

1 1

*** Please read the sub rules located on the sidebar *** ****************************** https://www.tankathon.com/nfl (Current draft order) ****************************** What

#NFL #giants #NewYork #football #newjersey #newyorkgiants #eastrutherford #nationalfootballleague #nationalfootballconference #nationalfootballconferenceeastdivision

14h ago

From dezeen.com

Elon Musk claims Boring Company could build transatlantic tunnel for $20 billion

1 1

Tech mogul Elon Musk has claimed that The Boring Company could create a transatlantic tunnel for 1,000 times less money than previously estimated.

#all #News #london #NewYork #tunnels #elonmusk #architecture #infrastructure #theboringcompany

14h ago