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From theguardian.com

UK to ban bee-killing pesticides but highly toxic type could still be allowed

4 13

Ministers set out plans for outlawing neonicotinoids but considering application by farmers to use Cruiser SB

#bees #makeafuss #Environment #theguardian #writetoyourmp

on Sat, 6AM

From kuow.org

Invasive ‘murder hornets’ eradicated from the U.S.

1 2

The Washington and U.S. Departments of Agriculture announced the eradication Wednesday, saying there had been no detections of the northern giant hornet in Washington since 2021.

#bee #bees #plagues #honeybee #Washington #beekeeping #pollinators #murderhornets #WashingtonState

on Thu, 5PM

From soloabejas.com

Abeja Enana Roja Asiática "Apis florea" | Solo Abejas

1 1

Las abejas enanas rojas asiáticas (Apis florea), pequeñas pero cruciales para la preservación de los ecosistemas, son una especie de abejas que se distribuyen principalmente en el sur de Asia y algunas regiones del Medio Oriente. Aunque menos conocidas que las abejas europeas o africanas, su...

#bees #abeja

on Sep 5