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From bbc.com

White-tailed eagles: Footage reveals 'miracle chick' in flight

7 7

A white-tailed eagle that broke its wing has taken to the skies after its parents nursed it back to health.

#bbc #new #News #eagles #nature #goodnews #parenting #birds #press

5h ago

From t.me

Phuket Island Live 🇹🇭

6 37

A look at Phuket Island and its surroundings... Just photos and videos, sometimes news...

#ad #car #Kata #birds #karon #rawai #tours #nature #rental #birdnet

on May 17

From pixels.com

Coy Pearson - Official Website

3 12

This is the website of Coy Pearson. Shop for canvas prints, framed prints, posters, greeting cards, and more. Retired soldier. I spent about 30 years in the military (USMC/Army). Also recently retired computer systems engineer. So, I'm just plain retired. I need something to do so, I decided on ph...

#ducks #easternbluebird #americangoldfinch #bird #birds #photo #nature #birding #wildlife #photography

on Dec 18

From islandinthenet.com

Song Sparrow (Melospiza melodia) on Island in the Net

2 2

After spending several weeks in Institute Woods and the Charles H. Rogers Wildlife Refuge, I thought it might be fun to try another location. After looking at eBird I decided on the Millstone Aqued…

#birds #nature #birding #sparrow #wildlife #lensartists #songsparrow #birdwatching #birdphotography #melospizamelodia

1h ago

From phys.org

Blue and great tits deploy surprisingly powerful memories to find food, finds study

2 2

Blue and great tits recall what they have eaten in the past, where they found the food and when they found it, a new study shows. In the first experiment of its kind to involve wild animals, blue and great tits demonstrated 'episodic-like' memory to cope with changes in food availability when foraging.

#birds #science

23h ago

From eurekalert.org

Exploring the casque anatomy of aerial jousting helmeted hornbills

1 1

New research reveals how the surprising internal anatomy of the helmeted hornbill’s casque allows it to withstand damage during aerial jousting battles with rivals. Researchers hope that this new understanding can help to conserve this critically endangered species, as well as provide new...

#birds #anatomy #science #hornbills

1h ago

From eurekalert.org

Blue and great tits deploy surprisingly powerful memories to find food

1 1

Blue and great tits recall what they have eaten in the past, where they found the food and when they found it, a new study shows. In the first experiment of its kind to involve wild animals, blue and great tits demonstrated ‘episodic-like’ memory to cope with changes in food...

#birds #memory #science #behaviour

1h ago

From ualrpublicradio.org

Nature in the Natural State: Migrating Birds

1 1

Most North American bird species migrate to some extent, and most migrating birds migrate at night.

#birds #wildlife #migration

17h ago

From onegreenplanet.org

Plastic Pollution in Seabird Stomach Could Release Harmful Toxins, Study Finds

1 1

The research suggests that plastics ingested by birds could release toxic chemicals, potentially leading to severe health issues.

#birds #plastic #wildlife #Environment #plasticpollution

18h ago

From biologicaldiversity.org

Livestock Industry Causing Widespread Damage to Critical Habitat for Threatened Migratory Birds in Arizona, New Mexico

1 1

TUCSON, Ariz.— Grazing by the livestock industry has damaged at least 57% of the critical habitat of western yellow-billed cuckoos in public grazing allotments in Arizona and New Mexico, according to a report released today by the Center for Biological Diversity.

#birds #arizona #habitat #livestock #newmexico #Environment #animalrights #animalagriculture

18h ago

From ndr.de

Ein Ausflug in die Kunstgeschichte: "Birds - Die Welt der Vögel"

1 1

Vögel und ihre Darstellung faszinieren Menschen seit Jahrtausenden. "Birds" ist eine Sammlung von Vogelbildern aller Art.

#birds #vogel #kunstgeschichte

20h ago

From youtube.com

Music Shorts & About. Seagulls. Thx Drippeados, Screamenteagle & Where's #Chicky . #Seagull #Guitar

1 1

Music Transcends Time and Geography.Thank you Drippeados, Screamenteagle, Clker-Free-Vector-Images, Pixabay, vidIQ, & Where's Chicky (¿Dónde Está Chicky?).Mu...

#bird #birds #music #guitar #seagull #seagulls #birdsofmastodon #birdsoffediverse

21h ago

From rawchili.com

Baltimore Orioles @ Seattle Mariners | LIVE! Play-by-Play & Commentary | 7/2/24 | Game #85

1 1

Baltimore Orioles @ Seattle Mariners | LIVE! Play-by-Play & Commentary | 7/2/24 | Game #85 okay we are

#cal #mlb #earl #live #play #adley #birds #elias #magic #brooks

on Wed, 5PM

From thisiscolossal.com

Raising Awareness of Systemic Racism in Healthcare, a Stork Embarks on an 'Impossible Journey' — Colossal

1 3

In "Impossible Journey," a stork's vital mission to deliver a newborn sets the scene for a critical and poignant message.

#Video #birds #animation #shortfilm #healthcare #socialissues

on Wed, 1PM

From theguardian.com

Blackbird numbers plummet in south of England amid potential spread of virus

1 9

Experts believe songbird is suffering from Usutu virus, first detected in UK in 2020

#birds #virus #england #wildlife

on Wed, 7AM

From smithsonianmag.com

See 12 Captivating Bird Images From the Audubon Photography Awards

1 1

In its 15th year, the contest showcases diverse avian species, their fascinating behaviors and the habitats needed to keep them alive

#birds #nature #photography

on Jun 26

From theguardian.com

Millions of mosquitoes released in Hawaii to save rare birds from extinction

1 1

Conservationists hope insects carrying ‘birth control’ bacteria can save honeycreeper being wiped out by malaria

#birds #hawaii #malaria #bacteria #mosquitoes #honeycreepers

on Jun 26