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From liberapay.com

KreaTV's profile - Liberapay

3 4

Bienvenida/o a Krea TV, una Televisión Libre y Kolaborativa que pretende servir de nexo para comunicar la actualidad social en español o subtituladas en su defecto.

#union #accion #programas #comunicacin #kortesdesceh #difundeluchas #produccinpropia #programacinkreatv #sillascontraelhambre #blog

on Mon, 9AM

From thecheis.com

Good Morning Revival (2007), de Good Charlotte

2 2

«She is a diamond, I’m a stone» Quizás este disco no sea especialmente destacable, tampoco es el mejor de la carrera de Good Charlotte y aún así se quedó en mi recuerdo. A finales de los 2000…

#blog #discos #poppunk #pop_punk #emo #rock #musica

1h ago

From blogspot.com

Half My Life

2 2

I've been with her for more years than I've been without her. We met when I was 22 and started dating on my 24th birthday. As she has put it...

#blog #culture #ofinterest

4h ago

From kreatv.org

IA + EH = Mbappe líder de la resistencia | SCEH 1x07 | Krea TV

2 2

Una nueva breve incursión en temas que nos interesan. Hoy, matemáticas: I.A.+ E.H.= Mbappe líder de la resistencia. Ampliando este tema rescatamos esta revindicación […]

#tv #blog #kreatv #programas #kortesdesceh #medioslibres #produccinpropia #programacinkreatv #sillascontraelhambre #televisionkolaborativa

5h ago

From amazon.com

Introducing self-managed data sources for Amazon OpenSearch Ingestion | Amazon Web Services

2 2

Enterprise customers increasingly adopt Amazon OpenSearch Ingestion (OSI) to bring data into Amazon OpenSearch Service for various use cases. These include petabyte-scale log analytics, real-time streaming, security analytics, and searching semi-structured key-value or document data. OSI makes...

#aws #blog

17h ago

From amazon.com

Build a self-service digital assistant using Amazon Lex and Knowledge Bases for Amazon Bedrock | Amazon Web Services

2 2

Organizations strive to implement efficient, scalable, cost-effective, and automated customer support solutions without compromising the customer experience. Generative artificial intelligence (AI)-powered chatbots play a crucial role in delivering human-like interactions by providing responses...

#aws #blog

18h ago

From amazon.com

Identify idle endpoints in Amazon SageMaker | Amazon Web Services

2 2

Amazon SageMaker is a machine learning (ML) platform designed to simplify the process of building, training, deploying, and managing ML models at scale. With a comprehensive suite of tools and services, SageMaker offers developers and data scientists the resources they need to accelerate the...

#aws #blog

18h ago

From amazon.com

Amazon DataZone enhances data discovery with advanced search filtering | Amazon Web Services

2 2

Amazon DataZone, a fully managed data management service, helps organizations catalog, discover, analyze, share, and govern data between data producers and consumers. We are excited to announce the introduction of advanced search filtering capabilities in the Amazon DataZone business data...

#aws #blog

18h ago

From amazon.com

Amazon MWAA best practices for managing Python dependencies | Amazon Web Services

2 2

Customers with data engineers and data scientists are using Amazon Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow (Amazon MWAA) as a central orchestration platform for running data pipelines and machine learning (ML) workloads. To support these pipelines, they often require additional Python packages,...

#aws #blog

18h ago

From amazon.com

Indian language RAG with Cohere multilingual embeddings and Anthropic Claude 3 on Amazon Bedrock | Amazon Web Services

2 2

Media and entertainment companies serve multilingual audiences with a wide range of content catering to diverse audience segments. These enterprises have access to massive amounts of data collected over their many years of operations. Much of this data is unstructured text and images....

#aws #blog

19h ago

From amazon.com

How London Stock Exchange Group optimised blue/green deployments for Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL Global Database | Amazon Web Services

2 2

In this post we share how the London Stock Exchange Group (LSEG) Capital Markets Business unit improved their Blue/Green software deployment methodology, by using continuous logical database replication. We show you the process of implementing a Blue/green deployment architecture using Aurora...

#aws #blog

on Mon, 2PM

From amazon.com

AWS DMS homogenous migration from PostgreSQL to Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL | Amazon Web Services

2 2

With AWS DMS homogenous migration, you can migrate data from your source database to an equivalent engine on AWS using native database tools. In this post, we show you an example of a complete homogeneous migration process and provide troubleshooting steps for migrating from PostgreSQL to Amazon...

#aws #blog

on Mon, 2PM

From substack.com

Jon McBrine - Author | Substack

2 2

Writer of sci-fi, superhero action, fantasy adventure, and everything in between.

#blog #author #writer #reading #yascifi #substack #newsletter #kindlevella

on Mon, 2PM

From amazon.com

Use Amazon Aurora Global Database to build resilient multi-Region applications | Amazon Web Services

2 2

In this post, we show how to use Aurora Global Database to build a resilient multi-Region application and the best practices for this setup.

#aws #blog

on Mon, 1PM

From bgammon.org


2 2

Free and open source online backgammon

#GPL #agpl #blog #foss #free #tech #linux #gaming #golang #android

on Oct 27

From videospielgeschichten.de

Indie-Games Archive - Videospielgeschichten

1 1

Kleine Spiele mit großem Herz! Es muss nicht immer Triple-A sein. Indie-Games bescheren und oftmals die besten Videospielerlebnisse, die wir haben können.

#blog #gaming #indies #gamedev #indiedev #gamingblog #indiegames #Videospiele #computerspiele

1h ago

From blogspot.com

23 Ribu, Jumlah Statistik Penayangan Blog dotsemarang Bulan Juni 2024

1 1

Kami pasrah dan telah mengibarkan bendera putih tanda menyerah. Mungkin seperti roda yang berputar, tidak apa-apa berada di bawah. Toh, nama...

#blog #dotsemarang

2h ago

From blogspot.com

Boy Kills World (2023)

1 1

Movies young and old, from fright flicks to cracking comedies, from the latest blockbusters to the rarest cult treats.

#blog #film #action #review #blogger #filmastodon #moviereview #billskarsgard #boykillsworld

3h ago

From po-ru.com

Week 182: A trip to the seaside

1 1

I voted. I set up a postal vote while our house was being renovated, because I wasn’t sure where I might be staying at the time of the council elections. As things turned out, that mandate applied to the general election as well.

#blog #weeknotes

5h ago

From thewallflowerdigest.co.uk

Doctor Who: Series 14 ‘Empire of Death’ & Series 9 Rewatch

1 1

Well that series finale was crap, wasnt it?! And we only got through two series 9 episodes this week.

#blog #blogger #rssfeed #blogging #personalBlog #bloggingcommunity

6h ago

From amberfoxxmysteries.com

You know you’re in New Mexico when there’s a lizard on the dance floor.

1 1

When I arrived for the fund-raising party on the equine rescue farm, my favorite local blues band was playing in the shed where the feed for the animals is kept. A friend waved me to me through the…

#blog #dancing #lizards #writing #newmexico

7h ago

From thelinuxcast.org

Window Manager Withdrawal

1 1

I Miss Window Managers

#blog #linux #windowmanager

7h ago

From churapereviews.com

Grand Archive Releases Statement Regarding Game Accessibility - Churape's Dungeon and Stuff

1 1

Grand Archive is begins to strain under its recent influx of new players. Staples are too expensive, but WOS has put out a statement

#tcg #blog #game #anime #indie #gaming #indietcg #grandarchive #tradingcards #tradingcardgame

8h ago

From nailsthatglow.com

My hair hurts

1 1

My facial hair has never been a comfort for me. Never.

#hrt #blog #goth #life #daily #queer #trans #selfie #journal #lgbtqia

9h ago

From drixpell.com

Course Advancement 5: City Modeling – Night Diorama

1 1

Fifth advancement on the course, this time fixing various things in the scene, such as electrical cables, object positioning, etc…

#3d #art #arte #blog #city #drix #idea #love #model #scene

9h ago

From advancemed.com.au

Writing Good Doctor Job Interview Questions. Start With A Job Analysis

1 1

Ever Wondered How To Write Good Doctor Job Interview Questions? Well, It Starts With Gaining A Good Understanding Of The Job Itself.

#job #blog #doctor #beingamanager #ukauthorsplint #goodunderstanding #interviewquestions #commonlyheldbeliefs #specialtymedicalcollege #higherpredictivevalidity

11h ago

From tumblr.com

Poligraf · The Artistic Impulse

1 1

Whether we call it ikigai or sense of purpose, when we pursue what we believe gives life meaning, it gives us life. — Warren Farrell

#art #arts #blog #music #poems #poetry #quotes #tumblr #videos #artshare

12h ago

From faizalr.com

Projek Memperelokkan Kasut Suede Menggunakan Dye

1 1

A blog about technology and personal interest.


12h ago

From churapereviews.com

Grand Archive TCG: Full Supporter Pack 2 Card List Revealed! - Churape's Dungeon and Stuff

1 1

The full card list for the Supporter Pack 2 has been revealed, and you’re going to want to add these to your collection. Supporter packs will only be available for purchase at official or partnered events, like the upcoming Anime Expo or Ascent tournaments. While I am sad that it makes these...

#tcg #blog #game #anime #indie #gaming #indietcg #grandarchive #tradingcards #weebsoftheshore

12h ago

From beesbuzz.biz

Went back to the ER

1 1

Last night I started feeling significant pain whenever I inhaled too deeply, telling me there was either pleurisy or another embolism happening. I gave it several hours to try to resolve on its own, and it just got worse and worse, so this morning, I headed to the ER.

#blog #COVID #Health

13h ago

From blogspot.com

Media Notes: Roundup for June 2024

1 1

        This is a somewhat random selection of the movies and series on DVD and/or online I watched during  June 2024. The highlight this mo...

#blog #film #media #movies #writing #watching #television #itinerantlibrarian

13h ago

From lunaria-galaxie.de

„Liebesworte & Austragungsorte“ - Lunaria-Galaxie Blog

1 1

Ole, Deutschland, in der nächsten Runde. Nach einem langen Samstag, der mir mehr an Kraft und Emotionalität abforderte, wie ich dachte, saß ich ab 20 Uhr 48 auf der Wohnzimmercouch und verfolgte mit Vater und Mama das Ausscheidungsspiel zwischen Däne

#blog #forum #radio #spiele #community

17h ago

From lunaria-galaxie.de

Wiener Wäschemadln

1 1

Ein Rezept aus dem 19. Jahrhundert. Extra nur als Video, weils so schön ist:

#blog #forum #radio #spiele #community

18h ago

From kreatv.org

Para todas todo, nada para nosotras | Krea TV

1 1

La unión se cultiva, el fascismo se expande. De nosotras depende el futuro habitable o el salvajismo autoritario de policias y militares.

#tv #blog #union #accion #kreatv #comunicacin #medioslibres #difundeluchas #televisionkolaborativa

19h ago

From blogspot.com

Who Gets To Be America's Official Oracle?

1 1

She's over there. Some words and photography.

#blog #scotus

19h ago

From gomoot.com

Meta rischia multa miliardaria per violazione DMA in UE

1 1

La Commissione Europea accusa Meta di violare il Digital Markets Act con il modello -paga o acconsenti- per Facebook e Instagram: possibili multe in arrivo

#dma #News #blog #meta #tech #picks #europa #facebook #tecnologia

20h ago

From konstantintutsch.com

Change MariaDB's Default Data Directory

1 1

Change the data directory of MariaDB (MySQL database server). Including SELinux permissions.

#blog #linux #selfhosting

20h ago

From forkingmad.uk

Komments have arrived

1 1

After talking about Comments on the Scribbles blog, I committed to working up an idea on how we could allow visitors to the blog to comment on our posts. It's been a few days, I've...

#blog #scribble #microblog #scribbles

20h ago

From gomoot.com

Opera GX potenzia Aria con nuove funzionalità IA

1 1

Aria, browser di Opera GX, integra l'IA Gemini di Google per generare immagini, rispondere a domande e interagire con pagine web in modo naturale e intuitivo

#llm #News #aria #blog #tech #picks #gemini #browser #imagen2 #operagx

20h ago

From churapereviews.com

Grand Archive TCG Meta Watch: Michigan Regionals 06/30/24 - Churape's Dungeon and Stuff

1 1

Michigan Regionals proved once again that Wind Allies Lorraine is the big bad deck in the format, but that splash of Nico was a nice surprise

#tcg #blog #game #anime #gaming #indietcg #grandarchive

21h ago

From ko-fi.com

Journal Entry: 04.01.24

1 1

Derrick Sumpter Jr published a post on Ko-fi

#blog #life #dream #africa #growth #writer #journal #success #writing #blogging

21h ago

From blogspot.com

El topo de Tomas Alfredson (versión DVD)

1 1

Blog personal donde escribo sobre algunos temas que me interesan (libros de divulgación matemática y científica, senderismo, fotografía, etc.).

#dvd #blog #eltopo #resena #entrada #pelicula #espionaje #johnlecarre #georgesmiley #physicalmedia

21h ago