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From phillipjreese.com

When Windows Closes, Linux Opens II: Getting the Surface Ready! - phillipjreese.com

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Getting the Surface all ready for the install! All I need now is a USB hub so I can plug everything in that needs to be plugged in at the same time during the install

#pc #linux #ewaste #surface #microsoft #windows10 #surfacepro #corporategreed #plannedobsolescence

12h ago

From ctvnews.ca

Private equity firm Birch Hill signs deal to buy Rexall Pharmacy and Well.ca

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Drugstore chain Rexall Pharmacy Group and online retailer Well.ca are due to land under Canadian ownership after a Toronto-based private equity firm announced Thursday that it would purchase both brands from McKesson Corp.

#Canada #poverty #birchhill #inflation #capitalism #pharmacare #corporations #profiteering #privateequity #corporategreed

on Sep 5